Back in the 1960s the then Prime Minister of New Zealand, Sir Keith Holyoake, defending his decision to send troops to the Vietnam War, said it was better to fight the communists there than on Ninety Mile Beach (in the far north of NZ).
Sir Keith was wrong about the threat from Vietnam. The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong were preoccupied with reuniting the county under their rule, not with spreading their ideology to the four corners of the earth. Even if they had been disposed to do so, they would not have got far. Ruthlessly efficient right-wing regimes in Indonesia and Singapore and a revered monarchical system in Thailand formed an effective barrier, preventing the communist infection from spreading beyond neighbouring Laos and Cambodia; communist insurgency in Malaysia had been defeated by the British a generation earlier.
The so-called domino theory, espoused by the Johnson White House and accepted without question by Holyoake and Australian Prime Minister Robert Menzies, was a non-starter.
Today the Vietnam analogy is being used by an increasing number of commentators who want to see the end of NATO’s involvement in Afghanistan. Under their rationale the Taliban are an indigenous resistance movement, fighting to rid their country from foreign influence and have no interest in spreading terrorism around the globe.
As in Vietnam 40 years ago, they see Western nations involving themselves in a war they can’t win against a foe they should never have been fighting in the first place.
Canadian columnist Eric Margolis, the Taliban’s main point man on the North American continent, insists that the Taliban were as surprised as the rest of us by the 9-11 attacks which were planned not in the remote mountain fastness of Tora Bora but in apartments in Western Europe.
Well of course, much of the final work for the attacks would have been conducted in Europe and the United States. You can’t hijack a plane in Kabul and fly it into the Twin Towers or the Pentagon. Detailed preparation, including the infamous flying school lessons, would have to have been completed much closer to the scene and necessarily quite independently of head office. That is how al Qaida has always operated.
But if Osama bin Laden was not in the loop, how come he was celebrating the hijackings while the planes were still in the air and heading towards their targets?
Whether he got that information from news flashes, or more likely from someone on the ground, bin Laden was being kept up with the play because in the end 9-11 was his baby, the early concepts worked out at leisure in the Taliban-supplied training grounds. Whatever may have been going on in Western Europe or the US, the initial motivation would have come directly from the Afghanistan’s honoured guest, and a failure to deal with him in 2001-02 would have sent a message to jihadists everywhere that the decadent West was there for the taking.
If President George W. Bush was right to order the troops into Afghanistan, he was totally wrong in the invasion of Iraq. Saddam Hussein was a vicious, evil man, like many other vicious, evil men in charge of countries that we don’t invade. Iraq was a bloody, costly distraction from the real business of hunting down al Qaida that has sapped the energy of the US and its allies and turned public opinion against the very necessary task of keeping terrorist leaders on the run, capturing or killing them whenever possible.
One can only wonder what the situation in Afghanistan would have been today had the US, Britain, Australia and the other participants in the Coalition of the Willing expended their energies there rather than in Iraq.
Another of Margolis’ propositions is that al Qaida only ever totalled about 300 members, most of whom are now dead. This makes an interesting contrast with the British-based Institute for International Studies which claims the terrorist organisation is active in 60 countries with around 18,000 operatives.
He suggests that if al Qaida really was in the business of setting up training camps they would choose “easier” countries such as Indonesia rather than “remote” Afghanistan. Obviously he has not heard of the hugely successful Indonesian campaign against terrorism that has decimated al Qaida offshoot Jemaah Islamiyah, including the killing of its most wanted terrorist, Noordin Muhammed Top. Not the place where al Qaida would want to put down roots I would have thought. And anyway in today’s wired up world - which bin Laden and his associates exploit very successfully - what is the definition of “remote”?
Margolis does have a point when he speaks about the problems of trying to prop up a “feeble and corrupt” Pakistani Government. Nothing new here: corruption has been endemic in all Pakistani Governments, civilian or military, since independence. But what does he suggest we do about it? Leave Pakistan to stew in its own juice and give its turbulent northern areas over to al Qaida and the Taliban?
In his view the northern rebels are really just independently-minded Pashtun tribespeople, not Taliban. Well, they impose Sharia Law in the areas they control, they break agreements, have expansionist policies, employ suicide bombers and make routine threats against the Western infidels.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck …
The Western allies have made terrible errors in Afghanistan. We took our eyes off the ball to concentrate on Iraq when we should have been consolidating the quick military victory, putting enough troops on the ground to ensure security and protect a massive reconstruction program to convince waverers among the Afghan population of our desire to see a better future for them.
Instead we are now seen by many as an occupying force, no better than the Soviets or the Imperial British, propping up an increasingly unpopular - and since the disputed election possibly illegitimate - government; our presence ensuring a bloody and seemingly unending war.
On one point we should be clear. We are not in Afghanistan to support President Hamid Karzai. Yes, it would be so much easier if he showed some commitment to the future of Afghanistan beyond keeping himself and his particular faction in power, but the main objective of the West’s involvement is to deny territory to the terrorists and those who would support or condone them.
We simply cannot go on capturing that territory without the ability to hold it. If General Stanley McChrystal needs more troops to stabilise the situation, then he should have them. But with the military surge should come a second offensive, as extensive and perhaps as expensive, to bring security, peace and above all hope to ordinary citizens that they may live their lives in the way they want, free from interference or repression.
We have played around the edges in Afghanistan for too long. This was always the right fight, where terrorism could be dealt the most telling blows; where the values of a free, multicultural world could face down those of darkness, brutality and inhumanity. If we in the West have any beliefs left, we must stand for them here.
Sir Keith’s ideas are looking pretty good today - it was just the wrong war.