The sale of Telstra looms, and lobbying for
access to the proceeds has started in earnest. The government plans to pay
off the national debt. The Greens want to spend the money on urgent
environmental problems such as the dryland salinity that affects so much of
inland Australia and on rehabilitating the ailing Murray-Darling river
system. Both of these are matters of high national priority, but there is
another worthwhile use for at least the major part of the proceeds, another
destination for the funds that promise to flow from the sale.
That destination is ... Sydney. Sydney a city in need? That might not
appear credible to the federal government's accountant mentality, nor to the
environmental lobby with its fixation on natural systems and its dearth of
meaningful social policy, nor to rural Australians who see themselves as
socially and economically deprived. But it is a destination that makes
sense, given Sydney's pre-eminence as Australia's primary city, in light of
information disclosed in the 2001 census and in the work of researchers.
City under challenge
The findings of the 2001 census, released in June by the Australian
Bureau of Statistics, confirmed what we already suspected - that Sydney is
the country's fastest-growing metropolis, that it is home to almost a quarter
of the population of Australia and is the favoured destination for
immigrants. All of this is placing strain on an urban infrastructure that is
ailing and that government has difficulty in expanding to keep pace with
population growth.
The scale of the trend in immigration was disclosed by veteran Sydney
Morning Herald journalist, Alan Ramsey, in a May 2002 article. Quoting
government sources, Ramsey reported that two-thirds of refugees entering the
country over the past five years settled in Melbourne and Sydney, with
Sydney absorbing the larger number of 15,465. Here, two-thirds congregate in
just five local government areas: Parramatta, Fairfield, Auburn, Liverpool
and Blacktown. With some exceptions in Parramattta, these are areas in the
lower socioeconomic bracket and house a significant portion of unemployed
people although the development of the Parramatta and Liverpool business
districts - Parramatta has become a 'mini-city' - promise an expansion of
local employment and small business opportunity.
The emergence of ethnic enclaves in those areas can be put down to the
support given to new migrants by existing immigrant populations. And while
business sees larger populations as good for consumption and business, none
less than NSW premier Bob Carr have warned of the challenges that further
immigration into Sydney could bring. These challenges include the high cost
of providing sewage and water services to urban fringe areas and the
maintenance of older infrastructure in the suburbs.
Deserving of support
Were Canberra to accept that Sydney is struggling to provide services and
that its role as most-favoured destination for immigrants justifies spending
Telstra sales funds on it, how could this be spent to provide greatest
social and economic benefit?
Infrastructure would have to be a major area of expenditure. Providing
sewage disposal and water supply are costly, yet the expansion of services is
critical to residential and industrial development as well as to sanitation.
But it should not be business as usual. With the Telstra proceeds flowing
in, there would be an opportunity for state government to encourage and
cajole local government to investigate and implement innovative strategies
as well as ensuring that it applied the same encouragement to its own
Waste management is in further need of improvement. Although recycling
consumes some of the urban and industrial waste stream, the metropolis is
running out of landfill areas. In future waste may need to be carted, at
great expense, to the Hunter Valley or over the ranges for disposal. New
uses for old waste is needed, new imagination applied to an old problem.
The rail system is plagued by accidents, breakdowns, sabotage, vandalism
and poor service. There is a dire need for an expansion of the system with
new lines and by making connections between existing lines. Pyrmont has been
linked to the CBD with a light rail (tram) line and there are plans to
extend the service as far as Leichhardt. There is potential for extending it
even further, not only in the older, densely populated suburbs of the Inner
West, but into the eastern suburbs where population numbers are also high
enough to make the service viable. A light rail service to Randwick (also
servicing the University of NSW), Coogee, Maroubra and Bondi is not hard to
Architecture and planning are further areas where Telstra funds could be
applied to new ideas and to further research. With more and more people
calling Sydney home, the urban energy budget is rising because the new
apartments and houses are, for the most part, gross consumers of energy.
Were funds to go to expanding existing local government residential energy
efficiency legislation and new, innovative models of humane medium density
residential development, the Telstra sale would underwrite models with
application elsewhere in the country. The same thinking could be applied to
reducing residential water consumption through conservation and the reuse of
some wastewater. That would not be hard - there are already examples out
As the coming state election will show, law and order are a real concern
to the public. There has been increased crime in the middle ring of older
suburbs, the same lower socio-economic areas that are absorbing many of the
immigrants, and there has been a renewed focus on ethnic crime gangs. Law
and order is never an easy challenge but there would be public support for
both short-term management via improved forms of policing and a longer-term
approach to address the social and economic problems underlying crime.
The allocation of some portion of the Telstra proceeds to social
development would be justified, especially that which involves community
action. The recent growth of community food gardens, which provide fresh
food and social space as well as meaningful recreation, show the benefit of
creating a sense of place and belonging and can go some way towards
rebuilding communities fractured by economic and social stress. Such
initiatives also boost community responsibility, and that means less
vandalism and crime.
Finally, to create opportunity there would be a need to increase regional
economic development, especially of the newer service industries, in western
Sydney. Telstra funds might go to the further development of mini-cities
such as Parramatta and Liverpool as economic foci as well as to clustering
similar businesses and industries in enclaves, a practice which, in the case
of the information technology industry, has produced synergies and mutual
Investment of the Telstra proceeds in the country's dominant city will be
difficult to justify to other city and state governments as well as to
vociferous lobby groups such as environmentalists and rural interests. But
Sydney’s rapid population growth, its attraction to immigrants and the
city’s role in the national economy justify it. With almost a quarter of
Australia's population, the Sydney region should be handed a great deal more
than a quarter of the income from the Telstra sale.