Mr Swan reportedly said increasing the base rate of the age pension would be one of the hardest commitments to meet, indicating that it would require substantial cuts in other areas of spending for the Government to deliver on this promise in the Budget.
People on higher incomes would be targeted to help fund the pension rise.
Almost immediately there was community lashback against pensioners on news media forums with comments about taking money from people's superannuation, to provide for people who don't have super. The culture of jealousy and resentment is thriving, thanks to the Treasurer.
I believe the Treasurer should come out and publicly state that retirees deserve a pension increase.
The pension issue has been in the works for a long time. It goes back to way before the global economic worries and recession. There was a formal investigation last year into pension levels which recommended an increase.
Retirees, more than anyone, know about surviving through tough times. They are not asking for luxury handouts, just enough to pay the bills and live on. They are certainly entitled to that, and more.
I urge the Treasurer and others not to "blame" retirees for what is their right.
Everyone is being conditioned to expect some tough measures in the Budget but to publicly indicate that the pension rise will require heavy measures elsewhere is unfair on retirees. The economic situation is the culprit, not our pensioners.
Another uncertainty worrying retirees is a real fear the planned increase in aged pensions could penalise elderly married couples.
While the Federal Government has virtually announced a $30 a week increase for single aged pensioners, there has been a disquieting silence around any change to the couple’s rate.
The Federal Government needs to make its intentions known as a matter of urgency.
The Community Services Minister Jenny Macklin back in March reportedly said the Government was committed in the budget to addressing the adequacy of pension rates.
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