Water is life and life depends on water. Neither water privatisation nor the $50 million for flows to the Snowy River promised by both major parties prior to the 2007 election have delivered a single extra drop of water into the river. The Snowy River continues to “flat line” with no underpinning natural, variable or flushing flows.
As a part of the privatisation scenario, cloud seeding aimed at “above target” water for energy generation and downstream water trading has done nothing for the Snowy River. If effective, cloud seeding has almost certainly contributed to the deepening rain shadow across the Monaro and a diminished water table and reduced river flows robbing wealth and hope from the regional farming community.
Weigh up the business losses, the health costs, family and community costs of the loss of rain due to cloud seeding against projected income for SHL as a result of “above target water” and you have three governments looking for a small percentage of funds for their coffers with entire communities bearing the costs of the drought and an artificial rain shadow. Top the losses with less GST and taxation income for governments.
The result is a negative balance sheet in economic, social and environmental terms.
The only long-term winners from the corporatisation of the Snowy Scheme and the latest money-spinner - cloud seeding - will be a tiny handful of people who may argue increased executive compensation as a result of increased profits for Snowy Hydro Limited. The days of executive compensation are in any case numbered and will almost certainly be tied to shareholder dividends which, in the case of the Snowy Scheme, is an absolute loss when one factors in the true community and environmental costs and ultimately taxpayer dollars.
It is time for the Snowy River to run. With the appointment of Dr Kelly as Parliamentary Secretary for Water, the Snowy River Alliance and Snowy Communities can see key amendments to the Snowy Water Licence to enable environmental releases; an Independent Water Manager; a clear hierarchy that places environmental objectives at the top of the suite of Snowy legislation; and possible de-corporatisation of the Snowy Scheme that will see environmental flows in the Snowy River in perpetuity.
Victoria and the Commonwealth should act quickly to remove NSW as a “shareholder” of Snowy Hydro Limited. NSW has abrogated its rights through failure to discharge its legislated responsibilities for the Snowy. NOW is the time to amend the Snowy Water Licence to enable environmental releases. Not to do so means to condemn the Snowy River to government incompetence and procrastination for generations and ultimately, the death of the river.
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