The biographies published by local newspapers of the new members of the Grand Religious Commission showed them to be holders of post graduate degrees from Al Azhar University in Egypt; former members would not have obtained any degree outside the Kingdom or away from the Hanbali school of thought.
The Commission of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice that is often called in Arabic (Haya’a) was also part of the change. The new head of the commission Abdul Aziz Bin Humain replaced Ibraheem Al-Ghaith; a decision that raised the hopes of many Saudis of a change in the strategy of the religious commission. The Saudi media recently held an aggressive campaign against the Commission which was seen to be interfering in the personal lives of Saudis.
Media reaction
Jameel Al-Thiabi, the editor-in chief of the Gulf edition of newspaper Alhayat, described the recent changes as: “A beginning of a new stage where reforms will bypass the bureaucracy that everyone blamed as preventing changes.”
Badriya Al-Bisher, a Saudi columnist related Obama’s enthusiasm for change to the Saudi King’s approach to reform. She wrote in the Alhayat newspaper describing the new appointees: “New blood, youthful minds from various backgrounds who all believe that change must be carried out, that the world is changing rapidly and that no one will wait for us to change. All believe that as the institutions will remain, unlike them, they will try to achieve the best.”
There was a word of caution though. Dr Hamoud Talib, a columnist and a writer expressed to Elaph magazine his concern of the need for a longer time to achieve reforms. Talib said: “The Saudi King’s reformist vision will not be achieved easily. It is difficult to change or reform the different institutes which have lasted for a long time and the people adapted their thinking to the way it functioned.”
Overall, however, Saudi observers received the announcement enthusiastically and perceived it as a continuation of the King's reformist approach. The people are excited and anticipate more change.
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