Many critics have trashed the idea of Civilisation Clash, especially one between Islam and the West. Christian Europe, not Islam, they argue, has been historically intolerant to non-Christians - Jews in Europe, Muslims in Spain. At the same time, Christians, Jews and even Heathens found tolerance, peace and prosperity in Muslim lands. In the abhorrent colonial era, they assert, Christian West captured much of the Muslim and non-Muslim lands. Islam, therefore, can pose no threat to the West.
Former US President Bill Clinton asserted that the West has no problems with Islam. To this, Huntington retorted: "The relations between Islam and Christianity, both orthodox and Western, have often have been stormy. Each has been the other's Other. The twentieth century conflict between Liberal Democracy and Marxist-Leninism is only a fleeting and superficial historical phenomenon compared to the continuing and deeply conflictual relations between Islam and Christianity."
The avid critics of Huntington are either ignorant or in denial to assert that there was no problem between Islam and the West. A historical investigation proves Huntington thoroughly correct. Islam's birth under Prophet Mohammed was conflictual with the Pagans, Jews and Christians of Arabia: Pagans were annihilated during his life-time; Jews were expelled or slaughtered and enslaved; Christians were attacked, forcibly converted, or prohibited to baptise their children to turn them all Muslim.
After the prophet's death, Islam's conflict intensified and spread far afield against peoples of all creed, colour and race. In two decades, Islam came in conflict with the Christian West when Muslims attacked Mediterranean Islands in 652CE; it has remained so except for rare brief respites. Who can deny the Muslim occupation of Spain, Sicily, Greece, Hungary, East Europe and the Ottoman attempts to overrun Central and West Europe twice as they seized Vienna in 1529 and 1683? Who can deny the existence of the Crusades, the European colonial occupation - in which Islamic countries became the dominant victim?
Huntington foresaw a solidifying Muslim v non-Muslim conflict globally, although the idea of Islam-West conflict has become a buzzword. Undoubtedly, his prophecies vis-à-vis Islam have been turning a reality, if it haven't been so already. More astonishing is his prediction regarding other civilisations, other religions. Hinduism - historically an apolitical, tolerant creed - is becoming increasingly political, jingoistic and militant. While Hindu-Muslim clashes have been rife over the decades, often fuelled by Muslims, militant Hindus in recent months have attacked Christians in various parts of India, killing a number of them.
Buddhists, the most pacifist creed, is also becoming increasingly political, jingoistic and even militant. Buddhist monks rallied last year for making Buddhism the State Religion of Thailand. Militant Buddhists in Sri Lanka, instigated by monks, have been increasing their attacks on Christians; annoyed by Christian proselytisation, they have been attacking and persecuting Christians. A Buddhist mob, led by monks, destroyed a church in July 2008.
The whole gamut of Huntington's thesis - i.e., emergence of conflicts among different peoples inspired by cultural and religious differences - is turning a reality; it will only get worse in coming decades. Even Huntington might have been surprised that his prophesies started turning a reality so soon. He knew the role cultures would play in shaping the emerging world-order. That's why he probably opposed the Iraq invasion not to antagonise another culture, although his many critics have held him culpable for fuelling the whole conflict.
The Clash of Civilizations is not Huntington's only theory that has proved prophetic. His first book, The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations, published in 1957, endorsed the role of civilian authority over military institutions. Although attracted repulsive reviews at the time, it turned highly influential meriting a 50th anniversary symposium.
"He tended to have views that were unconventional and remarkably prescient. He would have a finger on the pulse of where events were headed," Boston Globe quotes James Perry, Huntington's former graduate student. And undoubtedly so!
He was a prophetically genius political scientist of our time. It may take a while to fill his shoes.