A National No Fault Insurance Scheme for people who experience catastrophic injury was an idea endorsed by the Australian 2020 summit as a way to provide future funding for the disability services needed by this group of citizens in our community. This endorsement was made in the context of an overarching concern about funding for disability services at a national level.
A No Fault Catastrophic Injury Scheme proposes a strategy that would secure and develop new streams of funding for disability services. At present, the only forms of no fault coverage for catastrophic injury are for those injuries acquired at work through the various WorkCover arrangements maintained by the states; and through no fault transport accident schemes maintained by Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and the Northern Territory.
Outside these schemes, Australians suffering catastrophic injuries, for example, through transport accidents, domestic accidents, sporting injuries or assaults, are left high and dry. So too are those who acquire injuries due to degenerative disease or chronic illness or are born with a disability, and they have no recourse to lifetime care and support outside the minimal assistance provided by the already overburdened and crisis driven public disability assistance systems.
These facts alone make it clear why a strong correlation exists between disability and poverty - the costs associated with disability are substantial and, either directly or indirectly, deliver costs that, in terms of "flow on effects", every member of the community has to bear.
To further explain the need to address the costs involving disability issues, let me quote from an article titled, Disability Reform from Crisis Welfare to a Planned Insurance Model:
The costs of caring for these marginalised Australians are shuffled between families, State Governments and the Commonwealth Government. We therefore need to plan ahead before the current unmet and under-met needs become overwhelming. As a nation we must address this crisis in care and support. This is an issue for every Australian.
In other words, the costs of disability are already placing far too great a demand upon today’s welfare system, and there is every probability that costs will continue to increase significantly. One of the major factors driving this increase is the substantial increase in the numbers of people with disabilities. According to the article Disability Reform from Crisis Welfare to a Planned Insurance Model, our Australian population is believed to grow by three million in the next 15 years and we should not under-estimate the problems that can cause birth defects even if many other types of disability occur. One estimate suggests that two in every five of the future population increase will involve people with some kind of disability,
There are aspects of our current economic vision which are global and global forces are also driving the current crisis in welfare provision. However, as proposed in the 2020 summit this could be alleviated by government action to reform the way disability is dealt with in this sector, as is proposed by such a No Fault Catastrophic Injury Scheme. This would be one way in assisting those engaged in the empowerment of the many Australians affected by disablement, and it would be good for our society as a whole.
Such a scheme, would allow all Australians to make good their aspirations for a way of life in which fair and just treatment is available to all. Such a scheme would clarify Australia's claim to be “a fair-go” culture. Is there not a solid chance that Kevin Rudd's Government could bring about such an effective social reform with insignificant costs to the public at large. Such a scheme would give added substance to the Labor Party’s current commitment to the social inclusion of all Australian’s.
Relying on family networks to provide the principal carer is not a long-term solution. The system's reliance upon family members has to face the fact that family members are human too: they get old, become sick and die. And the socioeconomic agenda of today’s globally competitive environment has turned the ability of parents to be the primary carers of their disabled children upside down. Both parents need to work to pay the bills and this demand is not about to change in the situation formed by the recent financial turmoil.
There is likely to be an amplification of demand for support services within the disability sector combined with the evident limits of family carers to provide care for their disabled children and siblings. And this will lead to the magnification of costs within disability support services, and only put further strains on the bottom line of government budgets.
In the current economic climate the government needs to rethink the merits of such a National No Fault Insurance Scheme, before the current unmet and under-met needs become unbearable. In the 1980s there was a similar problem concerning the dependency of Australia’s ageeing population on the old age pension and the discovery that any continuation of the status quo in service provision was placing intolerable demands upon the tax payer. The development of superannuation thus became a needed and effective solution to this problem.
This proposed National No Fault Insurance Scheme would cost a meagre amount when shared across the entire population. A "ball park" estimate of $40 per person per year would raise more than $100 million in Victoria alone, slashing waiting lists, strengthening families, and allowing countless thousands of family members to make other community contributions.
In all likelihood it would lead to a freeing of people to increased paid workforce participation. It would also encourage an increase in general skill levels. Carers must be a recognised element to respect indispensable contribution and their general wellbeing.
This then would benefit economic growth in two ways. First, by vastly increasing disposable income within the community and second, it would reduce the benefits overall that governments have to pay. That is, such a move will provide for an increase in taxes paid, an increase in national productivity, and will help to reduce a looming workforce crisis.
Posted as an opinion on the web is the following:
In the 19th century we accepted that universal education defined our progress. In the 20th century we accepted that universal health care defined our progress. Now, in the opening years of the 21st century, let's accept that universal access to disability services defines our progress.
This paper seeks to to highlight the socioeconomic and community benefits of a National No Fault Insurance Scheme for people who experience catastrophic injury, in order is to cover the mounting costs of disability. This National No Fault Catastrophic Injury Scheme could be funded via a number of different sources, namely, a special supplement to the Medicare Levy, third party car insurance, private medical insurance and/or through workplace insurance.
Thanks for the assistance of Dr Bruce Wearne and Dr Bronwyn Morkham.