After a few days' journey through the desert, the Meccan army arrived on the 17th day of Ramadan, tired and thirsty; but all the water-wells were occupied by Muhammad. The battle ensued resulting in the Meccan army retreating after suffering heavy loses. The Muslim army of 305 fighting men lost only 14 fighters while the Meccans lost 49 lives and a similar number were captured.
One particular incidence of bravery in the battlefield of Badr deserves a mention. In the midst of battle, Muhammad was loudly announcing to his soldiers that: “Allah had promised paradise to those who die fighting in His cause.”
Omeir Ibn Hubab, a lad of 16, was wandering around eating dates on the side of the battle. Hearing this exhortation from Muhammad's mouth, he threw away the dates. “Is it these dates,” he cried, “that hold me back from paradise? Verily, I will taste no more of them until I meet my Lord (in paradise)!”
Whereupon, he picked up a sword and rushed on to the enemies only to be slain. Muhammad's biographies endow glowing tribute and praise on his bravery and list him as Islam’s first martyr.
Disputes broke out over the distribution of the booty (horses, camel, weapons and other stuffs left behind by the Meccans). Allah quickly responded by revealing the rules for the distribution of spoils:
"And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah and his Messenger …" (Quran 8.41)
Muhammad took his fifth share of the booty plus the camel and the famous sword, known as Dhu'l-Fikar, of his sworn enemy, Abu Jahl. Muhammad used this sword in all subsequent battles and is preserved today.
Muslims headed back to Medina enriched with booty. In a few days, the holy month of Ramadan ended and Muslims celebrated the first-ever Eid. The booty captured at Badr no doubt added to the festive mood of their first-ever celebration of Eid.
The first Ramadan and Eid were very significant events that shaped the future of the great Islamic faith. Success in this incredible battle against a much larger opposition gave Muslims tremendous confidence and a feeling that God was on their side. Indeed, Muhammad had proclaimed at Badr, to prop up his fighters, that “20 angels of God were fighting the enemy with each Muslim soldier”.
This stunning success and confidence inspired the numerous incredible battles and conquests Muslims fought. Within a couple of decades, great Persian Empire was at Islam’s feet, while Byzantium, the most powerful empire, lost significant territory to Muslims.
The victorious journey of Islam that began in the first holy month of Ramadan enabled them acquire vast tracts of world territory today and it continues (Kosovo for example). A stunning 1.4 billion people on earth are under the banner of Islam.
The Muslim Ummah has not forgotten the blessing of the eventful and glorious first Ramadan and Eid and the success that it gave the glorious religion of Islam. It was in Ramadan that Muslims achieved their greatest victories time and again, including Muhammad’s conquest of Mecca and capture of Ka’ba in 630 CE. They celebrate these great events as steadfastly today as ever before.
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