“My name is Amal, in English it means hope.”
Hope, a documentary by Steve Thomas and Sue Brooks, is Amal Hassan Basry’s story. Through Amal’s journey, Hope embraces both the resilience and the fragility of all human beings who, through no fault of their own, find themselves exiled from their homes and forced to make dangerous journeys to find a safe haven for themselves and their children.
In October 2001, an Indonesian fishing boat now referred to as SIEV-X (Suspected Illegal Entry Vessel, “X” for unknown) went down in the sea on its way to Australia.
For 22 hours in a dark and unknown ocean, Amal Basry held tightly to a dead woman’s body to stay afloat, believing her son and all the other passengers had died. Amal talked to the woman throughout the night, “waiting for the angel of death” to also take her away.
Survivors estimate that about 100 people were still alive in the sea after the boat capsized but only 45, including Amal, were found breathing when fishing vessels arrived on the scene more than 20 hours later. Among the 353 passengers known to have died were 146 children, 142 women and 65 men; they were all seeking asylum in Australia.
Hope is not a film about right versus left, nor does it dwell on the opinions of politicians, commentators or advocates. There is no vitriolic debate about outsiders, no labelling, no intellectual argument. Hope does what the documentary form does best; it brings to life the human subject and restores the human dignity that volatile debates can often strip away.
Within a compelling personal narrative the politicised events connected to Amal Basry’s journey can be seen within a broader and more humanly identifiable context, providing a welcome relief from the fast track of news grabs which dominate the way we receive most of our information these days.
Amal fled Iraq with her family after the disappearance and death of family members and the arrest and torture of her husband Abbas in 1997. Amal says she could never before have imagined being forced to leave her homeland, “but Saddam’s regime damaged our lives”.
The family survived in Iran for a while but Amal and her husband knew that they could not stay indefinitely. So Abbas travelled alone to seek sanctuary in Australia and after eight months in Woomera Detention Centre he was accepted as a refugee.
But Australian government policy since 1999 meant that Abbas was given only a three-year temporary protection visa (TPV) and he could not leave the country or sponsor his family to join him. Now separated indefinitely from her husband, Amal decided that there was no other option but to set out on a boat with one of her sons to reunite with Abbas in Australia.
Like many before her, Amal believed the people smugglers when they said that the boat arranged for their travel was a big boat with “radio, satellite, safe jackets, food, bathroom”. But the SIEV-X was in fact a small and unsafe boat, without adequate facilities or life jackets, and overloaded with four times the number of passengers it was built to carry. It is only surprising that the boat was able to stay afloat at all in the rough seas and that anyone was able to survive when the vessel finally went under.
Back in Indonesia after the tragedy, Amal became one of only seven survivors offered a Temporary Protection Visa to come to Australia, while others were found resettlement places in Scandinavian countries.
In Australia Amal felt compelled to talk publicly about the story of the SIEV-X disaster so that the world would understand what had happened. Director Steve Thomas believes that it was the burden of surviving the SIEV-X disaster, when so many others had died, that moved Amal most strongly to speak out.
“When death strikes around you in a seemingly random way and you happen to survive, you feel guilty … indeed she didn't just come to see it as a responsibility to speak out but actually decided that was the purpose of her survival.”
Many unanswered questions still remain about the sinking of the SIEV-X. Should Australia accept any responsibility for the disaster? Where exactly did the boat go down? Did we have a duty of care to these people? To date it seems clear that investigations have not gone far enough, only fuelling speculation and theories that cannot be substantiated with the limited information available.
In the film Amal asks “Can I talk about that in the night I saw three lights, or it’s not good to say that? Because Australian government, they don’t like me to say that.”
Amal was not the only survivor to see the, still unexplained, lights of a boat as she drifted in the water that night, and Steve Thomas agrees that an independent inquiry is necessary:
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but in the absence of any thorough enquiry - the Senate committee was prevented from getting all the information it wanted - such theories proliferate. There were shady things going on in relation to the AFP’s people smuggling disruption program, and all the survivors talk of the lights that came in the night. Amal herself believed that the Australian authorities knew more than was acknowledged.
Without the whole truth these questions will remain unanswered and suspicions will inevitably continue without relief. Marg Hutton, who has researched and woven together the fragmented details of the SIEV-X tragedy on the www.SIEVX.com website since 2002, also believes an inquiry is needed:
The sinking of SIEV-X will always remain clouded in suspicion with the truth lost in a fog of myth, contested claims, obfuscation and denial unless and until there is a full powers independent judicial inquiry into this matter.
In the midst of an election campaign in 2001 the people who died on the SIEV-X were the “queue jumpers” the Australian government had spent so much time rhetorically degrading to the Australian public. Little wonder then that the incident has not been fully investigated or that public pressure for a full independent inquiry has been lacking.
With a new government in power it is surely time to put to rest the questions that will not go away. Those who have survived and those who died in the water in 2001 deserve the full facts, and as Australians we should ensure that no information can be withheld from public view.
Hope is a testament to the lives of innocent people who lost their lives, and their dreams, in the ocean, and to Amal Basry in her courageous and very personal struggle to ensure that we never forget a tragedy that happened right on our doorstep.
Steve Thomas spent a “roller coaster” 15 months with Amal making Hope, a film he believes is essentially “a contribution to ‘not forgetting’”.
That's what Amal fought for. That's what she would like her film to achieve - that we don't forget the SIEV-X, that we don't forget “the children who had nice dreams of Australia”. And that we don't make the same mistakes again.