“HowRuddism” is on the rise. This is Rudd continuing Howard's policies with some minor tinkering. Politically, the nightmare is over. Now the bad dream is about to begin. Rudd will make Hawke and Keating look like Lenin and Trotsky.
Labor is a party of the trade union bureaucracy. This group belongs to neither the capitalist nor working class, but rather balances between them. Their position in society forces them to support capitalism. Without the wage-profit divide their jobs would not exist. Labor expresses this truth - its role is to manage capitalism, not to overthrow it.
ALP politicians are more likely to come out of the trade union leadership, the Party organisation and Parliamentary Offices - the professional political class. This group responds eagerly to the siren call of business.
We have heard a lot from Rudd and Swan about their economic conservatism.
Wasn’t it economic conservatism that ran down our health and education systems, led to the skills shortage, increased profit as a percentage of GNP at the expense of wages, invaded the NT, refused to recognise global warming, joined with Bush (partly for strategic economic reasons) in the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and introduced WorkChoices?
Let's have a look at what the ALP Government is proposing for Industrial Relations.
Existing AWAs can continue until December 31, 2012. Employers can push employees on to new AWAs until Labor's first-stage IR laws are passed - possibly by May or even later. Individual Transitional Employment Arrangements are AWAs and will be available over the next two years. Common law contracts are AWAs under another name.
Bans on union rights of workplace entry and secondary boycotts will remain in place. Simplification of awards will strip workers of conditions in the name of efficiency and productivity. The Australian Building and Construction Commission will move to Fair Work Australia in 2010. Putting the attack dog in a new kennel isn't abolition.
Unfair dismissal laws and the 10 safety net standards (which do not appear to cover overtime or penalty rates) will not be implemented until 2010. The Business Council of Australia will, contrary to the ALP’s pre-poll position, get the opportunity to savage the 10 safety net standards.
Strikes will remain virtually illegal and Labor will attack those who take “unprotected” action.
There will be some minor discomfort for employers, but the foundations of WorkChoices will continue in a subtler guise.
The Rudd Labor Government is obsessed with productivity. It was “productivity” that drove Peter Reith to attack maritime workers. Managing capitalism means that Labor will also attack workers. Put simply, productivity means more work out of fewer people.
Labor minister Lindsay Tanner promised to take a meat axe to the Public Service as an example to private employers of what to do.
The Defence budget will grow in real terms. This shows where the priorities of the Conservative Rudd Labor Government lie. What about better wages and conditions for more nurses and teachers?
On the Budget, it is now clear that to show "the markets" just how economically "responsible" they are Rudd and Swan will deliver greater Budget cuts than their previously stated figure of $10 billion - possibly $20 billion or more. This will have little effect on inflation, interest rates, or employment. Most of these are factors outside the Government's control.
Profit rates (as compared to profit levels) are not that high historically. This fact will force Rudd to adopt anti-worker policies, especially when there is a downturn.
Rudd has won victory with the support of the working class. They have adopted his conservative approach, if not enthusiastically, then at least trustingly. As his IR backpedal shows, Rudd will breach that trust, and fairly quickly, possibly producing a backlash among ALP members and supporters. This does not mean there will be a shift to the Left.
The most important factor in the left/right dichotomy is the quietude of the working class. Strike levels are very low and (partly as a consequence) the ideas of class collaboration pervade the working class.
The clash between the conservative reality of a Rudd Government and the expectations the ALP has created in society, plus the skills shortage in a time of ongoing economic boom, may see some increase in class conflict, although the memory of class struggle is lost to most workers.
But inflation, interest rates and the like are eating into workers’ wages. The fight for better wages could well erupt soon, pitting workers against the HowRuddistas.