In the context of the current interventions in the Northern Territory by the Australian Government, it is important to understand how social factors can directly impact on health.
Twenty-five years ago I was privileged to be part of a study with the Mowanjum community based near Derby in the north of Western Australia. We looked at the impact of temporary reversion to traditional hunter gatherer lifestyle on the health of a group of middle-aged people with diabetes. These people had retained the knowledge and ability to live as hunter-gatherers - which is the reason this study was possible.
After only seven weeks there was a profound improvement in all of the metabolic abnormalities of diabetes and all the risk markers for heart disease.
But in addition, I was struck by changes which I could not measure at the time - wonderful changes in people’s demeanour. When the people in this study went back to their own land - even for only a few weeks - they changed greatly. They were confident, competent and articulate practitioners of their traditional lifestyle. They seemed to physically grow in stature! What I was witnessing was the dramatically positive impact of mastery and control.
The intervention in the NT risks producing the opposite - the loss of any sense of mastery and control - and the consequences of such disempowerment are likely to be dire indeed.
It is well-established that extreme poverty, characterised by poor education, poor nutrition, overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions, and inadequate medical care, impacts adversely on health outcomes and life expectancy. And this of course is very relevant to poor health outcomes in many Indigenous communities especially in remote Australia.
What is less well known is that it is not just the physical and environmental aspects of such poverty that are bad for your health, psychosocial factors are also very important.
The Whitehall Study - looking at the long term health of British civil servants - has examined the impact of employment grade on health outcome. All of these people are employed - so extreme poverty is excluded. However what they have observed is that, relative to those highest in the pecking order (the top administrators), those lowest in the hierarchy (unskilled messengers for example) had 2.5 times higher mortality after 10 years.
What was even more striking was that those in the professional and executive level (just below the top administrators) had significantly higher mortality than their bosses. And this despite being well-educated and highly paid - people such as lawyers and doctors.
So what is the explanation?
Some of the differential is explained by health-related behaviours - such as smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and diet. However, much of the gradient is explained by psychological factors. Indeed, it is now recognised that differences in some of the behavioural factors may also be secondary to these same psychological factors.
How is this relevant to what is going on in the NT?
One’s socioeconomic position in society is linked to a number of psychological factors impacting on health including depression, psychosocial distress, individual and community level mastery, and disempowerment.
These factors are all interconnected. When people do not feel in control of their lives, there are a range of neuroendocrine responses - stress responses. Acute activation of our stress responses is important to our survival: “fight or flight”, activation of the immune system.
But chronic activation of our stress systems can be very counter-productive.
“Allostatic load” is the term used to define the cumulative biological “cost” of accommodating stresses. The greater the stress burden, the greater the cost.
There is a direct relationship between socioeconomic status and allostatic load.
Apart from the impact on mental health, excessive stimulation of these stress pathways (the so-called hypothalamic pituitary axis, or HPA axis) has direct impact on our physical health: high blood pressure; increased appetite - and a desire for sweet and fatty foods; weight gain, and central obesity; infertility; increased risk of stroke heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.
If that is not enough, there is also evidence that Low Birth Weight may be linked to over activity of the HPA (stress axis) in pregnant women. And LBW itself is linked with increased risk of central obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease in adult life.
In this way it is possible to link disempowerment and lack of mastery with depression and psychosocial distress which in turn activate biological pathways to the chronic diseases which are occurring in epidemic proportions in Indigenous populations across Australia.
Dr Alex Brown, an Indigenous doctor based in Alice Springs, talks about the “broken-hearted”. The accompanying social dysfunction is a symptom, not an underlying cause.
What are potential interventions?
Certainly not interventions that further impoverish and disempower communities and individuals, which is what the removal of CDEP and appointment of administrators to remote Aboriginal communities does. The people who would most appreciate “real jobs” are the Indigenous people living in those communities. Many of the CDEP positions really should be remunerated as “real jobs”: rubbish removal and “caring for country” through the ranger programs are just two obvious examples.
The blanket removal of half of the remaining welfare payments implies that no Indigenous adult in a remote community can manage money or look after their children responsibly. And while it is critical that children attend school, threatening parents with loss of welfare payments has meant that schools are having to deal with a large influx of students (many of whom have only attended school rarely if at all in the past) without the needed additional classrooms and remedial teachers.
Rather than imposing short term simplistic interventions targeted at the end-stage symptoms, as a society we must seek to understand the underlying causes and commit long term to address them in a respectful partnership with Indigenous communities. Mutual obligation is a two-way street, conducted between equal partners.
Early intervention is needed - as upstream as possible. And yes, no one disagrees that children must be nurtured and protected: however, the way we intervene is absolutely critical.
It is encouraging that the new Australian government has committed to working closely with Indigenous organisations and the States and Territories to “Close the Gap” in Indigenous life expectancy, recognising that this will be a 20-30 year challenge.
What is needed is a comprehensive, long term, bipartisan “whole-of-government” commitment conducted in respectful partnership with the local communities and the states and territories - an Australian version of the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Europe after World War II - focusing on health, education, housing, and employment, and with a very significant and recurrent investment by the Australian Government to address the national disgrace of Indigenous disadvantage.