Our doctors are revolting. But today's medical revolution has nothing
to do with technological and scientific advances. Instead we have watched
the metamorphosis of health care into 'money care'.
A global 'malpractice crisis' is driving the provision and quality of
our health care.
Doctors are choosing to pay more attention
to their unions than Hippocrates, and
are motivated to action by the declining
assets of their insurers and the encouragement
of their militant associations.
In Australia we were caught with our pants down when our nurses
began to strike. Our doctors, in a ripple-effect strategy, began
to refuse to accept new patients; closed their offices; planned
nationally co-ordinated leave; and threatened to exit the medical
profession altogether unless their demands for indemnity sureties
were met.
The Commonwealth Government initially
denied any responsibility for medical
insurance, and hand-balled the issue to
the States. That was before investigations
into FAI, HIH, and UMP revealed some significant
financial haemorrhages. In the case of
UMP, an engorged herniation of alleged
projected claims is yet to be notified.
Despite evidence from our legal institutes
and law councils that there was no 'surge
in medical litigation', the medical insurers
and associations persuaded the media that
patient litigation was to blame for both
the indemnity crisis and havoc in the
health system.
The previously civil relationship between
doctor and patient became a civil war
with doctors on one side of the money
grab, and patients on the other. The medical
profession developed some partial amnesia
to humanitarian service and intensified
focus on its fiscal survival.
As doctors closed their offices, the patient-surplus was fed into the
hiatus of 'waiting' for medical attention in overcrowded public accident
and emergency wards until the government was forced to concede a promise
of indemnity guarantee.
This promise was interpreted by many
as government tolerance of the poor financial
management of the insurers. Meanwhile
the associations’ PR machine was manipulating
the media. Doctors, fearful of their collective
incompetence, demanded financial support
from the Australian Government to cover
their expected claim. This expectation
may say something about the standard of
their clinical practice.
How many avoidable and compensable injuries do our doctors expect that
they might inflict in the course of their future work?
According to the World Health Organisation's 2002 Report, Australia has
the highest percentage of avoidable medical injury in the world.
During a hospital visit, 16 per cent,
or almost one patient in six, will suffer
a "measurable" adverse outcome
that is unrelated to the original medical
condition. Given that there were more
than five million admissions to Australian
hospitals last year, 800,000 patients
suffered “avoidable” injuries or sickness.
These are shocking statistics for a developed Western nation that is
internationally recognised in medical research and invention. Our doctors
are excelling in medical laboratories, but clearly failing in clinical
Earlier this year, a panel conscripted
to review the Laws of Negligence, including
those of medical negligence, delivered
a final report that mentioned the ‘patient’
only in passing in order to define the
panel's written intent. Patients, as the
pivotal fraction of any health-system
equation, were not given any collective
recognition by the panel which had been
appointed by the Treasury rather than
the Health Ministry.
Medicine has shrugged off the mantle of a 'compassionate vocation',
and evolved into the 'health industry'; governed by the same 'bottom
line – dollar sign' as every other corporate venture.
Doctors can no longer be regarded as white-coated altruists who are
moved by the will to heal; they have become shrewd and aggressive
shareholders and investors. They view their patients as potential enemies
in litigation, and consequently practise lower risk 'defensive medicine'.
As a result, patients are not necessarily being offered the full and
optimum choice of available medical options.
This is band-aid medicine.
Yet neither the government nor the health-care industry has pointed out
that a national reduction in the incidence of avoidable medical
errors would naturally lead to a national reduction in the incidence
of medical litigation.
Our State and Federal Governments, intimidated by the medical
fraternity's recent show of muscle, have scuttled new liability
legislation through their parliaments post-haste. This legislation
effectively disables the rights of the majority of injured patients to
seek fair judicial and financial accountability through the courts.
Neither they, nor the Treasurer's Panel to Review the Laws of Negligence
have recommended any strategies or financial provision for the
implementation of new comprehensive patient safety and risk management
Australian medicine bears the shame of demonstrating the worst
statistical incidence of avoidable medical injury in the entire world –
and yet we are one of the few remaining developed countries that does not
have a dedicated national patient safety day, or week.
It seems that the injured patients alone
realise that money can' t buy good health.
And now they exist within a health care
system in dire need of a ' heart ' transplant.
And the future for the "Business of Health Care?"
It's all "in the bank!"