Fifth, particularly in an environment where real jobs are not currently the norm, incentives in the welfare system cannot be allowed to work against the promotion of investment in human capital, particularly of children through the provision of safe and healthy living environments and their attendance at school.
Sixth, there must be a realistic prospect of an educated Indigenous person securing a real job, with the support of appropriate employment services.
Seventh, governance systems have to support the “political freedom” and “social opportunities” of local Indigenous people (both men and women) to be engaged in policy development
I hope Mayor Pootchamunka and his Aurukun councilors take the time to read Dr Henry’s insightful paper.
And a word of warning for those delinquent youths and misguided adults of Aurukun on the company they keep - to take heed of Denis Diderot famous quote: “We are far more liable to catch the vices than the virtues of our associates.”
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