The Rightist, by contrast, generally has no need either for change or its converse.
If anything, Rightists favour progress - both material and social. So when Rightists
are conservative (cautious), it is not because of their attitude to change per
se. On some occasions they may even agree with the particular policy outcomes
that the Leftist claims to desire. When they resist change, then, it is mainly
when it appears incautious - and they are cautious generally because of their
realism about the limitations (selfishness, folly, shortsightedness, aggressiveness
etc.) of many of their fellow humans. So it is only vis a vis Leftists that the
Right can on some occasions and in some eras appear conservative.
Leftists do not of course want just any change. In particular, they want change
that tends in the direction of tearing down or drastically revising existing authorities,
power structures and social arrangements. And this generally takes the form of
advocating greater equality between people. What the Leftist ultimately wants
in this direction however is fairly heroic in its dimensions and unlikely ever
to be fully achieved in at least contemporary Western societies so the Leftist
always has a corrosive discontent with the world he lives in and therefore is
permanently in a position of wanting change from the way things are.
Leftists in Power
The analysis above was principally of what Leftism/liberalism is in the economically
advanced countries of the contemporary Western world - where Leftists have only
ever had partial success in implementing their programmes. So what happens when
Leftists get fully into power? Does the same analysis apply?
For a start, it should be obvious that the personality and goals of the Leftist
do not change just because he gets into power. He is still the same person. And
that this is true is certainly very clear in the case of Lenin - who is surely
the example par excellence of a Leftist who very clearly did get into power.
In his post-revolutionary
philippic against his more idealistic revolutionary comrades, Lenin makes
very clear that "absolute centralization and the strictest discipline of
the proletariat" are still in his view essential features of the new regime.
He speaks very much like the authoritarian dictator that he was but is nonetheless
being perfectly consistent with the universal Leftist wish for strong government
power and control over the population -- but only as long as Leftists are in charge.
So Leftists in power certainly do NOT cause the State to "wither away"
- as Marx foresaw in The
Communist Manifesto".
Obviously, Leftists in power also cease to want change. Aside from their focus
on industrialisation, change in the Soviet Union was glacial and any institutional
change or change in the locus or nature of political power was ferociously resisted.
So if a clamour for change is characteristic of Leftists in the "West"
but not characteristic when Leftists attain full power, what are the real, underlying
motives of Leftism?
Why Leftist?
The theory that would seem to have the widest explanatory power is that Leftist
advocacy serves ego needs. The major psychological reason why Leftists so zealously
criticise the existing order and advocate change is in order to feed a pressing
need for self-inflation and ego-boosting - and ultimately for power, the greatest
ego boost of all. They need public attention; they need to demonstrate outrage;
they need to feel wiser and kinder and more righteous than most of their fellow
man. They fancy for themselves the heroic role of David versus Goliath. They need
to show that they are in the small club of the virtuous and the wise so that they
can nobly instruct and order about their less wise and less virtuous fellow-citizens.
Their need is a pressing need for attention, for self-advertisement and self-promotion
- generally in the absence of any real claims in that direction. They are people
who need to feel important and who are aggrieved at their lack of recognition
and power. One is tempted to hypothesize that, when they were children, their
mothers didn't look when they said, "Mummy, look at me".
And, of course, people who themselves desperately want power, attention and
praise envy with a passion those who already have that. Businessmen, "the
establishment", rich people, upper class people, powerful politicians and
anybody who helps perpetuate the existing order in any way are seen by the Leftist
as obstacles to him having what he wants. They are all seen as automatically "unworthy"
compared to his own great virtues and claims on what they already have. "Why
should they have ... ?" is the Leftist's implicit cry - and those who share
that angry cry have an understanding of one-another that no rational argument
could achieve and that no outsider can ever share.
The Leftist's passion for equality is really therefore only apparently a desire
to lift the disadvantaged up. In reality it is a hatred of all those in society
who are already in a superior or more powerful position to the Leftist and a desire
to cut them down to size. They are haters who want to subjugate everyone and everything
to their rule. As Engels rightly saw, there is nothing more authoritarian than
So why do Leftist psychologists claim that conservatives are pro-authority
whereas Leftists are anti-authority? That this vast and perverse oversimplification
became widely accepted among psychologists is perhaps an understandable mistake
given the characteristic opposition by Leftists in the modern "Western"
democracies to the existing centres of authority and power in their countries
and given the characteristic acceptance by conservatives of those same authorities.
Looking at history more broadly, however, we see that authoritarianism is central
to Leftism and that Leftists are in fact dedicated practitioners of it - so what
Leftists oppose is not authority as such (or there would be no Lenin, Stalin,
Pol Pot, Mao etc.) but only authorities that they do not control; and what conservatives
favour is not any and all authority but rather carefully limited authority - only
that degree of central authority and power that is needed for a civil society
to function.
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