Climate change is looming as the issue of the next generation. For most lay observers, the question isn’t whether all those eminent experts may yet be wrong: far too many are issuing the same warnings with urgency and conviction. Humanity can’t ignore the likelihood they are right.
There are two vital questions. Who or what’s to blame for the peril we’re in, and what’s now to be done to avert disaster? Two new books tackle these questions from a predominantly Australian perspective.
In The 3rd Degree, Murray Hogarth emphasises “solutions not retribution”. He points out that substantial climate change is already inevitable: the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere will rise by 2C this century because of greenhouse gas emissions in the past. Nothing can stop it.
The effects of a 2C rise will be bad - extreme weather, floods, droughts, crop failures, water shortages, extinctions. But a 3C rise would worsen these effects catastrophically. “Between 2 degrees and 3 degrees is where humanity has to make our stand”.
Hogarth, formerly a journalist, has worked since 1999 as a corporate adviser on environmental issues. His book serves as a primer on the basic science and terminology, as a potted history of events to date, and as a lively discussion of measures available to meet the crisis.
Hogarth believes that “everything has to be on the table” - including nuclear energy. An unapologetic supporter of free enterprise, he places his faith in “creative market solutions”. There are “well-deserved fortunes to be made”.
But serious government intervention will also be necessary, and Hogarth contends that this will come soon. Although we’re starting ten years too late and our current policies “aren’t even remotely close”, Hogarth is confident that Australia will rise to the challenge, as will the rest of the world.
Pray he’s right. After reading Clive Hamilton’s Scorcher, it’s hard to be anything but pessimistic.
Australia’s record on climate change is atrocious. We are the world’s worst nation in terms of greenhouse gas emissions per capita, and top-ten in absolute terms. We’re also the world’s biggest coal exporter, thus directly facilitating a large portion of other nations’ emissions. We weaseled ourselves a very cushy deal at Kyoto in 1997, and then reneged on ratification of the protocol.
Worst of all, argues Hamilton, we’ve deliberately attempted to sabotage the ongoing Kyoto process, to prevent other countries from reducing their own emissions. We’ve been “inside the tent pissing in”.
Citing copiously from public and private documents, and many interviews, Hamilton builds a powerful case. He is fearless in naming and shaming the powerbrokers in Australia’s fossil-fuel industry - corporations, executives, lobby groups, think-tanks, key diplomats and bureaucrats. He also identifies their public stooges - PR flaks, compromised scientists, right-wing columnists and shock-jocks. I hope Hamilton and Black Inc. have good defamation lawyers.
Hamilton also chides certain less obvious culprits: green groups with misplaced priorities; cynical and ignorant mainstream journalists; some prominent Labor politicians, state and federal. The general public, too, although broadly sympathetic to the need for action, has been lazy and myopic.
But the man most culpable is John Winston Howard. Hamilton’s central theme is that political action is the only reliable way to tackle global warming, and that for over a decade Australia has been especially ill-served by its Prime Minister.
The Howard Government’s diabolical conduct on climate change should be understood properly by all Australians, whatever their political sympathies on other issues. Hamilton contends that “[going] back as far as Federation, it is hard to think of a political and policy failure … so damaging to the long-term national interest and so reckless in its disregard for the welfare of future generations of Australians”.
Forget the dishonest excuses. Scientists can’t agree; the “economic” costs of action would be too high; China’s to blame; Australia’s emissions don’t matter; clean-coal technology will save us eventually - Hamilton blows all these canards out of the water.
For over a decade the Howard Government has strenuously protected the profits of the fossil-fuel sector - the coal, oil, cement, aluminum and mining industries. Their insiders have literally written government policy, to the virtual exclusion of all other interested parties. The role of Howard’s environment ministers - Robert Hill, David Kemp, Ian Campbell - has been “to cover up inaction”. Hill also played a key role in the shameful machinations at Kyoto.
Why did Howard encourage all this? Hamilton suggests a mixture of secondary motives: instinctive disdain for environmentalism generally, fear of displeasing the powerful fossil-fuel lobby, closeness to the Bush administration, personal friendship with the likes of Hugh Morgan, the opportunities to wedge Labor.
But, says Hamilton, even these factors are swamped by two others.
The first is Howard’s narrow conception of the “national interest”. He equates export dollars - principally from coal - with present and future prosperity. There are huge untapped markets in Asia. Howard’s dream was to see Australia as an “energy superpower”.
And for a long time he could pursue that dream, because of the uniqueness of climate change as an environmental problem. The effects of what Australia has done in the last 10 years will not be felt for decades. As Hamilton says, things would be very different if we all “had to live with the consequences of our own actions”.
Murray Hogarth is probably right that, for now, solutions must come before retribution. But in due course there is much to be said for Hogarth’s suggestion of a climate war crimes commission. Many Australians would be in the dock.