Downtown Manhattan's frenzied label-orientated
retail extravaganza has grown tired and
dull for many savvy New Yorkers. Insiders
dress from discount outlets and it is
regarded as bad manners to drop expensive
designer name brands these days. Yet,
this counteraction against mass America's
fascination with fashion as a status symbol
isn't just a NY-specific reaction against
mainstream culture's sameness. Many US
citizens are so far over their heads in
consumer debt, they've been forced to
readjust their lifestyles completely.
I'm catching up with one of my oldest
business friends. We met 25 years ago
as directors of rival galleries in Soho
and enjoyed the heady days of NY's burgeoning
contemporary art scene before each branching
out on our own. Marcia is now a private
dealer in the investment end of the art
market but in spite of a recent shipment
of stunning Warhol prints hanging on her
walls, it's often been a struggle for
her to make ends meet in Manhattan.
She says she's joined "a program"
to help her face her chronic cycles of
debt. Debtors Anonymous is modeled on
the 12-step Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous
recovery movement. Marcia proceeds to
tell me how she finally learned to surrender
to her higher powers about her compulsive
spending disorder and to treat her spending
problems as an illness, very like addiction
and alcoholism.
She owes $100,000 after decades of paying
full market rents for her showplace Manhattan
apartment and living out the culture industry's
demanding delusions of economic grandeur.
Her small art business is based on her
extensive connections in the international
art world and turns over millions per
annum, yet somehow, she's always lived
way beyond her means. But isn't this the
story of 21st century life?
In the last two decades, the market growth
of consumer credit has effectively lent
individuals money on the basis of their
earnings, rather than against owned assets.
In today's world, if your income is uncertain,
you're free to use your credit line to
tide you over. Somehow, the idea of being
prohibited from spending due to slow sales
or weeks of unemployment has never occurred
to many consumers, hence the debt load
Americans now carry in addition to bearing
the high cost of living in cities like
Yet, as an early sign of the development
of consumer debt we need look no further
than the American university system where
undergraduates typically pay as much as
$60,000 for their first degrees. A summer
job never fully compensates for economic
shortcomings, so many US graduates typically
commence life in the workforce owing
as much as 5 years' worth of their advanced
salaries. For some young Americans, the
easiest way to live emotionally with this
level of personal debt is to simply spend
Although she's fending off creditors
every second phone call, Debtors' Anonymous
is a natural outlet for her financial
angst, and it's free. She goes to meetings
daily and has several self selected debt
buddies to share her strategic financial
healing with.
Many of her new friends are previously
successful entrepreneurs, now struggling
to resurrect their own lives and businesses.
To win at most things, you have to be
prepared to lose honorably, and in truth,
many of the 20th century's foremost business
leaders have at least one catastrophic
financial failure behind them.
Sitting in a room full of other debtors
talking about failing financially is a
way of diminishing the social stigma and
personal shame of debt, especially in
the US where progress is often measured
by increased profit, rather than other
equally important socio-economic factors.
But what's fascinating is the public
disclosure element of this dimension of
the personal healing process. Why not
use a therapist or a tough bank manager
instead of talking to total strangers?
Indeed, for New Yorkers, and increasingly,
urbanites throughout the western world,
the 12-Step recovery movement's supportive
forum for exploring personal disgrace
symptomises a newly configured range of
personal choices. They've paid their dues
on their therapists' couches but its been
insufficient for guiding their awareness
schedules through the massive agenda of
illusions US society has insisted individuals
aim towards achieving as personal rights.
Deep feelings of personal inadequacy
have lead many to dependencies on self-
destructive habits and substances, creating
addictions and other self-abusive diseases
as the dangerous life-altering consequences.
For spendaholics, snipping up the credit
cards is the easiest part of the healing
process, but in the Debtors' Anonymous
meeting rooms, the goal is re-empowerment
and developing skills to recognize personal
freedom to make emotionally mature life
changes without it costing a fortune.
Beneath the crushing weight of personal
debt, common sense in crisis is often
confused with emotional survival instincts,
and the problem of owing more than you're
worth quickly becomes a syndrome. When
creditors keep calling, many panic, becoming
delusional, withdrawn, depressed and unable
to cope with their predicament. DA helps
members help each other gain strategic
insight into how to activate the emotional
machinery they'll need to get through
their troubled days until they're clear
of their debts.
Sometimes, this means learning about
the broader emotional and cultural dimensions
of the psychological after-effects debtor
individuals must live with. Many no longer
want to be victims of marketing culture's
pervasive psychological outreach. The
commercial delusion that halting the march
of time could be achieved by acquiring
products purported to counter-act nature's
work now strikes many Americans as faintly
Has the retail market's communalization
of choice actually reduced the reality
of achieving individuality through buying
power? For many, the erosion of commercial
elitism though mass marketing has distorted
measures of personal self esteem. If everyone
can own a Gucci t-shirt, what makes yours
so much more special? Has America's excessive
range of shopping options actually limited
freedom of choice completely?
In the meantime, in spite of the effects
Wall Street's downturn are likely to have
on her sales this Fall, increased regulation
against corporate gluttony encourages
revised personal perspective enormously.
At last, America has begun to do some
deep soul searching about the true social
and economic consequences of its idealized
vision of status and personal wealth.
At the end of the day, if the current
scrutiny of Wall Street's senior corporate
chieftains' trustworthiness continues,
personal and professional ethics will
rejoin the menu of desired human characteristics
in the business world. And although America's
current consumer debtors are unlikely
to benefit from this moral revision of
capitalism's modus operandi in the short
term, we may at least begin to hope for
the emergence of more appropriately honest
corporate and political executive role
models in the not too distant future.