The doctor was troubled by a statement on Obama’s campaign website which promised (in standard Democratic boilerplate) that he would fight “right-wing ideologues who want to take away a woman’s right to choose”. The doctor congratulated Obama on winning the Democratic Party nomination for the Senate, and went on:
I also sense that you are a fair-minded person with a high regard for reason … Whatever your convictions, if you truly believe that those who oppose abortion are all ideologues driven by perverse desires to inflict suffering upon women, then you, in my judgment, are not fair-minded. … I do not ask at this point that you oppose abortion, only that you speak about this issue in fair-minded words.
“The next day”, Obama writes, “I circulated the email to my staff and had the language on my website changed to state in clear but simple terms my prochoice position. And that night, before I went to bed, I said a prayer of my own - that I might extend the same presumption of good faith to others that the doctor had extended to me.”
As a former constitutional law lecturer at the University of Chicago, it is little wonder that Obama is at his best when discussing legal topics.
On affirmative action, democratic deliberation, and the role of the Founding Fathers in perpetuating slavery, the prose skips effortlessly along. Elsewhere, dusty policy proposals are leavened with an anecdote - a visit to Dodge Elementary School accompanies his call for teacher merit pay; stories about working families end with a call to boost the Earned Income Tax Credit; a heart-rending account of a steelworker whose son needed a liver transplant leads into proposals for universal health insurance.
Obama also has an ability to discuss inequality in terms that sound neither dry nor confrontational. Inequality, he writes, “will mean a nation even more stratified economically and socially than it currently is: one in which an increasingly prosperous knowledge class, living in exclusive enclaves, will be able to purchase whatever they want on the marketplace - private schools, private health care, private security, and private jets - while a growing number of their fellow citizens are consigned to low-paying service jobs, vulnerable to dislocation, pressed to work longer hours, dependent on an underfunded, overburdened, and underperforming public sector for their health care, their retirement, and their children’s educations.”
Like the mostly absent father who was the subject of his 1995 book (Dreams from My Father), Obama is a splendid storyteller. Even so, the book’s attempt to meld the personal and the political sometimes falls short. For example, an account of how he and his wife Michelle have taken occasional days off work to be with their children segues abruptly: “Fifty-seven percent of American workers don’t have that luxury.”
At times, electoral necessities elbow good arguments off the page. Any Democrat who wants to become president will find him or herself seeking the endorsement of protectionist trade unions.
After several sensible pages discussing the problems of trade barriers, Obama admits he voted against the Central American Free Trade Agreement, though he acknowledges that the agreement would have helped poor nations export their way out of poverty.
An impassioned section on the need to make America less dependent on foreign oil ends not with the simple, effective and politically suicidal proposal to raise the tax rate on gasoline, but with piecemeal suggestions on encouraging alternative energy production. But for an ambitious sitting politician, the book is remarkably candid.
If Obama hopes to be a serious contender for the presidency, he will face a few challenges. One is his name. If it wasn’t enough that his surname is only a consonant away from the mastermind of the September 11 attacks, there is the fact that Obama’s middle name is Hussein. Will middle-America really vote for a man called Barack Hussein Obama to be the commander-in-chief of their armed forces?
Another challenge will be Obama’s candour about his past life. In Dreams from My Father, he wrote that in his youth, “Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it” (“blow” is street slang for cocaine). How will US voters react to a man whose father was a Kenyan big man, and whose step-father is an Indonesian Muslim? What will they make of the suggestion that his grandparents left Texas in part because of their discomfort with small-town racism?
The rational part of me thinks that these kinks will probably derail the Obama train. When the barrage of attack ads begins (as it surely will), Obama is going to need more than appeals to decency and unity. But after you turn the last page of his book, it’s hard not to hope that Obama’s audacity will somehow inspire the best of America.