When the Job Network began operating in May 1998, replacing the former
Commonwealth Employment Service and contracted-out case management
agencies, it was variously described as a 'radical experiment' and a
'revolution in employment services'. Now four and a half years old, this
quasi-market in employment services is to undergo another transformation
to fit the new 'Active Participation Model', itself devised to reflect
what has been learned about the Network's successes and failures over the
past four years.
Until recently there has not been much detailed information available
about the workings of the Job Network and it is still the case that
independent researchers are unable to access much of the original data on
which official evaluations are based. However, the Productivity
Commission's final report on the Job Network has now been published, along
with the Government's response. The Department of Employment and Workplace
Relations' third evaluation report was also released at the same time,
with interesting new data on net employment impacts. It is therefore a
good time to take stock of what we now know about the radical experiment
and to consider what is promised under the new model from mid-2003
Job Network Outcomes
The latest reports provide a mixed picture of the Job Network's
achievements. Overall they confirm earlier estimates that outcomes, while
gradually improving, appear broadly similar to those of the previous
Working Nation programs at their peak, taking into account differences in
program participants, the external employment environment and methods of
assessment. On the other hand, the Productivity Commission also confirms
what earlier research, including our own, has suggested, which is that
weaknesses in the funding structure have led to widespread 'parking' of
harder-to-place job seekers, many of whom receive little help while in the
intensive phase of assistance. There are also clearly still problems of
access and commencement of assistance for some key groups, including young
people and Indigenous job seekers. A number of submissions to the
Productivity Commission's review highlighted what they saw as a highly
fragmented employment system for young people and a lack of
"joined-up solutions" to their particular difficulties.
As the Productivity Commission notes, gross outcome measures can be
misleading and tell us little about the net impact the employment programs
have on unemployment. Previous net impact measures have been based on
departmental post-programme monitoring studies. These have suggested, for
example, that the prospects of Intensive Assistance leaving income support
were around 10 per cent greater than those of a matched comparison group.
However, both the OECD in their review of the Australian labour market and
the Productivity Commission have highlighted methodological problems in
the way the Department's post-programming monitoring studies have been
designed, which tend to exaggerate the impacts. This has been recognised
in the Department’s recent evaluation of the net impact of Job Network
services, which is based on new methods that take better account of three
factors that are likely to be important.
These factors are the compliance effect – the effect on job seekers'
behaviour from simply being referred to a program; the program effect –
the actual benefit gained from the services provided on the program; and
the attachment effect – the generally negative impact of reduced job
search effort while involved in a program. On this basis, the Department
now estimates that the average net impacts of assistance are much smaller
than previously suggested – just over two per cent for Intensive
Assistance and between seven and eight per cent for Job Search Training.
Most of the impact (virtually all in the case of Intensive Assistance)
seems to be achieved not through program assistance itself, but as a
result of people moving off income support simply by being referred to the
programs. The assumption in the latter case is that when referred, people
either increase their own job search effort or are already working
The results are perhaps not as bad as they might seem at first sight.
The new estimation methods are tentative and probably conservative, while
the averages conceal variations that suggest significantly higher net
impacts for more disadvantaged job seekers. Overall the results are not
out of line with international experience of the relatively small net
employment gains to be had from labour-market programs and are also
probably similar to those achieved under previous assistance arrangements.
Cost Effectiveness?
These smaller net employment gains bring into question some of the
Government's bolder claims of greatly improved cost effectiveness under
the Job Network. DEWR comparisons of the costs of both gross employment
outcomes and net off-benefit impacts (based on their previous methods)
from Job Network and Working Nation programs suggest that the former are
substantially lower on average. The newer and more modest net impact
estimates, however, make Intensive Assistance in particular look a lot
more expensive per net employment gain. Similar caveats would also apply
to the net impacts of Working Nation programs of course, but as the
Productivity Commission states in noting that the aggregate cost of labour
market programs fell by around half between 1996-97 and 1999-00 without
much difference in unemployment levels: "This may well be the result
of greater cost effectiveness of the programs, but it could also be the
result of the imprecision with which the small impacts of labour market
programs are measured."
There seems little doubt that competition within the framework of Job
Network has produced some efficiency gains. It is difficult to pinpoint
quite how such gains are achieved because it remains hard to find out much
about what different agencies are doing on the ground – too much has
been 'commercial in confidence'. But some examples include innovative
relationship building between some agencies and employers and other bodies
to develop targeted employment opportunities, and the flexible use of
outcome funds to meet the range of costs for effective job search and
preparation. There was undoubtedly less flexibility for such approaches
under the CES.
On the other hand, competition among service providers has had other
spin-offs that are not easily estimated and are not captured at all in the
simple focus on measured employment outcomes. For example, a number of
providers and individuals consulted by the Productivity Commission, as
well as in our own study, pointed to some negative impacts of competition
on relations within the not-for-profit sector and on communities where
long-established local agencies ran into financial difficulties in the
earlier rounds of the Network. We also have to bear in mind employment
losses, as well as reduced pay levels and stress among some placement
staff in the privatisation process. The apparent efficiency gains of
getting broadly similar outcomes for a much reduced public expenditure
dollar have to be set against some of these displaced costs, which are not
well understood at present.
Sustainability of Employment Outcomes
One of the other key questions that needs to be asked in relation to
recorded outcomes of employment programs is whether the jobs gained last
much longer than the time required to produce a paid outcome.
Sustainability of employment for disadvantaged job seekers has become an
important goal of policy in countries including the UK and US, in order to
avoid the problem of recycling through employment programs. The DEWR
evaluation goes some way to addressing this issue through longitudinal
analyses of outcomes from different Job Network programs. It suggests that
many of the jobs achieved do last longer than might have been expected. It
also points to some upward movement over time in terms of wages and hours
of work on the part of Job Network clients – though this trend is less
marked among those who began with relatively low-quality jobs.
Policy Dilemmas
The twin problems of ‘parking’ (a reluctance to put effort or
expense into harder-to-place clients) and 'deadweight' (the high
proportion of positive outcomes likely to have happened even without
assistance) present serious policy dilemmas. On the one hand, the research
outcomes suggest the need for a higher threshold of disadvantage for
access to Intensive Assistance, in order to reduce the amount of
deadweight in the system. On the other hand, there is the equally pressing
question of how to help the already more than 60 per cent who receive such
assistance without getting an outcome – as well as those coming round
for a second time. The question of how to deal with these problems marks a
point of distinction between the different responses of the Productivity
Commission and the Government.
Overall, the Productivity Commission has, perhaps not surprisingly,
opted in favour of greater competition and a purer market-based solution.
It suggests deregulating the ways in which providers are able to assist
their clients by giving them more freedom to refer on those with greater
employment barriers to other programs (such as community work or Work for
the Dole). There was strong opposition to this proposal from many of those
responding to the Productivity Commission's draft report and the
Government has not accepted it at present. However, one way of looking at
restructuring the former Community Support Program into the expanded
Personal Support Program under the Department of Family and Community
Services is in terms of movement towards focusing Job Network services
more on those with the capacity to benefit.
This is an edited version of an article published in
the Social Policy Research Centre newsletter No 82.