Next door, the family - husband in the building industry and
stay-at-home-with-the-children wife - are having a swimming pool built.
It's a large pool, deep, occupying the entire width of their back garden.
As I watch the excavator scoop up the loose, sandy soil, the thought
occurs that, just 30 years ago, a family of similar means would have built
a more modest pool. Smaller, perhaps one of those above-ground types.
The streets around here are not noted for an abundance of backyard
swimming pools. That migrant family's pool is an indicator of the way that
affluence has permeated our suburbs, transforming the once-modest family
home into a quasi-mansion with more rooms than families can use and
littering our streets with the two and sometimes three cars that families
own today. On the surface, our transformed suburbs give the impression of
rising affluence but how much of this represents the willingness of banks
to lend large amounts I don't know.
The deeper, substantial change that continues to transform Australia
started in the mid-to-late 1970s and gained momentum during the Bob Hawke
Prime Ministership of the 1980s, to be continued by his successor Paul
Keating through the early part of the following decade, a time which saw
the internationalisation of the Australian economy. Social analyst Hugh
Mackay says the change really started in the late 1960s with the rise of
the women's movement and brought the environment and the social movements
of the 1970s. Exuberant at first, the change has created economic and
psychological insecurity to a great many people at the same time that it
has brought new opportunities to those such as the family building their
swimming pool next door.
Addressing the aspirationals
The family lives near Botany Bay in a Sydney suburb built during the
1940s. But it's the same in the newly built suburbs with their
close-spaced houses that sprawl to the south-west and north-west of the
metropolitan area. Out there, 20 to 30 km from the city centre, it's the
new Australian suburbia occupied by what the ALP's Mark
Latham calls the "aspirational voters", families with
aspirations to wealth, private schools for their children (part-financed
by the Australian taxpayer) and freedom from the crime of the middle-ring
suburbs. If mentality can be taken as an indicator of class, then this is
the new Australian middle class.
It is these people that Latham says the ALP must appeal more to but if
that happens then what of the traditional Labor voters occupying the older
middle ring of industrial suburbs? For a party that has largely abandoned
its past and now rides the fickle waves of swinging-voter indecision, it's
likely that Latham's solution will prevail. Maybe that will accentuate the
drift of Labor's old supporters to the Coalition, however Latham's push to
develop a new Labor constituency is understandable in light of the
increased affluence of Australian working people over the past
quarter-century. His aspirational voters are representative of a similar
demographic found in other cities.
A force with political potential
Within this aspirational milieu is another force with considerable
political potential: the 'new church'. Most influential in Sydney's
north-east salient - what is known as the Hills district - this religious
constituency is reminiscent of some of the newer US churches and, in
contrast to the established church with its declining congregations, is
attractive to younger people searching for meaning in life. The new church
is less formal, less encumbered with history, more evangelical in outlook
and more exuberant in the form its services take. It is also influential,
with members taking their sometimes clannish Christianity into their daily
life and using it to exclude those who are somehow too different.
The grassroots structure of the new church widens its appeal in an era
characterised by change and uncertainty. And with the old certainties gone
and the attitudes and mindset of Australians in a state of change, the
potential for a wider appeal by religious interests could, in a
significant number of cases, overcome the traditional distance at which
Australians have held the church. It may be that the Hills district
becomes Australia's 'Bible belt' in at least a limited political form.
Driven by demography
Demography is another driver of change in contemporary Australia. It is
a driver that will bring further change to our society because Australia
is on the move - to the nation's coasts. This migration has shifted
something like 85 per cent of our people to within an hour's drive of the
sea and sand. And just as Latham's aspirational voters offer Labor a new
constituency if the party can overcome its present confusion, so do the
coastal voters.
Some of the new coastal residents are of the same demographic as the
aspirationals; however there are differences in outlook based partly on
geography and stage of life. The mainly-younger aspirationals in their new
suburbs are concerned about services for their young families, the cost of
petrol (theirs are car-dependent suburbs) and education. The mixed-age
coastals offer astute state and federal politicians who are aware of what
is happening an opportunity, at the same time that they offer local
government aspirants both a challenge and a chance. A challenge to the
old, embedded ways of local government and a chance for those more savvy
and comfortable with demographic change to appeal to the concerns of the
new coastals and get themselves into council. For the coastals, the issues
are to do with town planning, service provision and coastal environmental
Change recycles past patterns
But as Australia changes so it seems that we repeat the patterns of the
past. We have a Prime Minister popular, so the analysts tell us, because
he projects an image of being 'safe' and because his manner, policies and
language appeal to Latham's aspirational voters as well as to some of
Labor's traditional constituency.
If that sounds familiar to older Australians or to those who have
studied recent history, they will recognise parallels with Robert Menzies.
Menzies' policies, though, were different to John Howard's. They had a
paternalistic streak towards those not enjoying the rising post-war
affluence of the time, which has now gone. It is ironic that at the time
when affluence has risen to unprecedented levels, concern for the
non-affluent has never been less (unless you happen to be a farmer). Yet
reports suggest that even poor people have seen a lift in their standard
of living over the past decade. The problem of a severe wealth divide,
however, is that the poor, even if their prospects have risen, can never
narrow that wealth divide, so their access to the goods and services that
the market provides must remain less.
There are other parallels with the past. The federal government's rush
to join impending hostilities in the Gulf is reminiscent of the rush to
join a certain other war more than 30 years ago, only this time there's
none of the hubris, the certainty among the public that the government is
doing the right thing. The sudden nuclear scare following North Korea's
start-up of its reactor, instability in Indonesia and the hidden presence
of Jemaah Islamiah in south-east Asia give alternative foci to the
Australian mind and drive the notion that we live in an unstable region
and that Australian troops might be better deployed in our country's north
so they can respond to unanticipated developments. Unlike the long
lead-time that defence analysts say any planned invasion of Australia's
north would give us, the shifting forces of political instability and
terrorism provide little by way of warning.