This change, in addition to the new formula, can only ensure a fairer system for all.
However I believe the reforms should go further.
If capacity to earn is to remain an enforceable issue, the rule should be applied equally to both parents. If both parents are capable of work, they should both be assessed on that capacity. The issue of how child support money is spent needs also to be addressed. There is a severe lack of accountability on the part of resident parents, which further inflames tensions.
Legislative reform will only go so far. The administration by the Agency also needs vigorous reform
Many of the thousands of cases reported to me include complaints about the knowledge and attitude of call centre staff and a perceived abuse of power by decision makers.
In a system where more than 90% of payers are men, who in most cases are unsupported and in unfamiliar territory, it is unthinkable that the Child Support Agency staff is 72% female.
Worse is the fact that the people on the front line are the lowest paid and the least experienced staff. They are not trained to deal with conflict. The majority of staff are single therefore not easily able to empathise with parents’ problems and lives.
The Child Support Agency, like many Government agencies, is a customer relations nightmare that needs to be addressed.
In addition to reforming the law, we need to reform the way in which it is administered. We need to eliminate the bias which so clearly exists. We need to recognise that child support is not about money. It is about people.
Most importantly it is about ensuring both parents meet their responsibility of supporting their children in a fair and equitable environment.
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