Of course, this line of logic also shows up the senselessness of war. Someone who truly believed there was a cause greater than life would surely think it absurd to kill people in order to achieve desired outcomes.
War is a chance to prove we are more than mere animals, yet our defining attribute - human reason - also tells us it’s counter-productive. Little wonder the expression Catch-22 comes from a war story!
The only way to avoid having these contradictions promote irreparable self-delusion, is to be ruthlessly honest about the situation, however challenging the dilemmas.
We need leaders with more matter-of-factness and less spin. Otherwise we will slip into institutionalised conflict.
Killing or incarcerating terrorists cannot be a measure of success if we suppose there is something more worthy that life itself. This doesn’t mean the abandonment of law enforcement - it just needs to be kept in perspective and not conveniently thought of as a pathway to the kind of world we crave.
Similarly, it needs to be stated clearly that security legislation will not directly protect our freedom or values. It’s about keeping us alive, which of course is important but not our utmost aspiration. Compromising our most valuable goal may be acceptable, but let’s not kid ourselves about the real motivation.
We should be more explicit about the growing mass of controls and restrictions inspired by September 11, Bali and other atrocities. There are sign-posts for dangerous dogs and confronting advice on the health risks of smoking. Surely an appropriate distinction between preserving life and attaining freedom is also worthwhile?
Airport screening stations and proposed transparent bags used to carry-on luggage should also carry warnings for our sanity. I suggest the following sentiment as something to build upon.
This intrusion is required because we can’t afford to trust you. The Government, on your behalf, has judged such compromises to your personal freedom as reasonable, insofar as they reduce your prospects of being maimed or killed. We also understand that current measures can never make transparent the true intent of those who would consciously cause harm to others. Nevertheless, we hope you can capitalise on your improved safety by realising there is more to life than life itself.
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