It seems that admiring men with balls is back in fashion if the eulogising of Kerry Packer is anything to go by. Even feminists are waxing lyrical about Kerry having the right genitalia for the job.
Journalists and commentators have been falling over themselves in search of fitting epitaphs for a man who was, after all, born to privilege and power. Indeed, they’ve been giving every appearance of hanging out their shingle and touting for employment in the new court of Packer; bullying has been excused, attack dog tactics held in awe and the exercise of power (for his own ends) over politicians apparently worthy of deference.
And this in egalitarian Australia.
Family jewels and dynasties notwithstanding, Channel Nine is “Still the One”, because Packer, like his mate John Howard, understood that ordinary Australians don’t give a toss about politics. What they want is entertainment, infotainment and sport.
Packer had us read nicely - when we turn on the tele it’s not to tune in, it’s to chill out. He catered to his audience not out of respect, not because he was an ordinary bloke or a man for all seasons, but because it suited his political and economic ends to do so.
Apart from Sunday and (very) arguably 60 Minutes, Packer wasn’t into quality programming; he had no interest in the public interest, taking what the public is interested in to new depths with shows that include Funniest Home Videos, Who Wants To Be a Millionaire and Celebrity Makeover.
If you want to amuse yourself to death then Channel Nine’s the place to do it. But it would be unfair to blame all of our ills on Kerry.
Commercial reality dominates our media. Advertisers are interested in markets that deliver an audience to their product with large audience share the measure of success, and to maintain it, winning formulas are repeated and repeated again. What we end up with is a media that is parochial and populist, commodified and devalued and the public sphere as a place of ideas, sacrificed to the imperatives of the marketplace.
One need look no further than our newspapers whose tabloid liftouts are little more than shopfronts for advertising - renovation, real estate, eating in, dining out, investment, travel, cars, technology, sport, weekend getaways, fashion, and shop-till-you-drop special editions.
But our most consumable commodity is celebrity.
We seek them here, there and everywhere: fabulous nobodies to stargaze include anyone royal, there are soap stars, particularly those whose life resembles one of their scripts, and don’t ignore sporting heroes, who, if behaving badly, beget even bigger headlines than their strained groin. There are glam models, naughty gangsters and offspring of people, famous, for just being, well, famous.
We get to meet them in trashy mags, we get intimate with them on radio, up close and personal on news and current affairs, talk-shows, lifestyle everything’s and in newspapers. We want to know what they wear, what and where they eat and more important than all of the above, who they’re getting it off with.
They’re all part of the media spectacle; a spectacle that sexes up sex, scandal, war, terrorism and tragedy - the mediated, voyeuristic experience of pleasure, grief, violence and conflict - neatly packaged to consume in the safety of suburban cocoons.
Consumption demands bigger, brighter and better spectacle and the 21st century is not disappointing expectation.
And technology brings us spectacular spectacle 24/7: September 11, the Bali Bombings, Beslan, the Asian Tsunami, New Orleans, the Iraq War, Saddam Hussein, Islam, bin Laden and the London Bombings.
The spectacle brings us the who and the what, the where and the when … but spectacle doesn’t lend itself to asking why: what we end up with are texts without context.
OK, so I’m sounding a bit of an idealist, certainly elitist and so 18th century. The world is a bleak place and anything that serves to distract can only be a good thing, or so the argument goes.
However, Australian society is undergoing significant political and social change with many of the shifts taking place associated with a decline in the democratic process as witnessed by Australia’s withdrawal from a number of United Nations protocols, the disgraceful conduct of its Department of Immigration, responsible for deporting or locking up its own citizens, and now with blood on its hands, following the death of an infant in its care. Then there’s the setting up of concentration camps in our own backyard and our involvement in an illegal and immoral war. Our public sphere is about to be further downgraded by the abolition of cross-media rules. Never have we more needed an engaged community and yet that engagement seems sadly absent in contemporary Australia.
Indeed, if ratings are anything to go by, Aussies are more than happy with dodgy current affairs, reality television, talkback radio and tabloid news.
But then I’ve been ignoring new media and the faith invested in it to challenge the might of entrenched media interests. Its burgeoning growth is surely an indication that people are hungry for other than the same old tired content mainstream media keeps dishing up. Though what is often forgotten in the buzz surrounding online alternative media is that alternative media is nothing new, though it never sat on newsstands next to the Herald-Sun at your newsagent. Like today, you had to go looking for it.
It’s interesting then, that virtual spaces are identified as more liberating than the traditions of dissent already captured in community media, particularly when new technologies are more associated with individualism and self-interest than common interest. And whether offline or virtual, forums that dissent from the mainstream, encourage free speech, are pluralist and inclusive, are likely to enjoy the patronage of the already converted rather than attracting new audiences.
The biggest concern, however, is the migration online of Packer and Murdoch. Indeed, Murdoch has been quoted as saying he intends to dominate the Internet and that News Corp’s internet revenue could grow from its present $US100 million dollars to between $US500 million and $US1 billion in five years.
While much has been made of James Packer’s interest in new media, who unlike his dad is into the Internet and knows a blog when he reads one, it’s unlikely he’ll breathe new life into content: his interest will be in further expanding his empire.
Rupert’s into blogs, too. He recently purchased Intermix Media that owns MySpace, a hugely popular blogging site. Significant, when you consider claims that blogs transform passive media couch potatoes into active media producers who are ready-set-go to wrest power from media barons.
Yet, Australians rather than losing sleep over Murdoch and Packer further extending their reach and grip, will likely be cheering them on from the sidelines. Kerry Packer’s death has exposed what too many of us most value - power, greed and a renewed post-feminist faith in the patriarchy.
It looks like blokes with balls are going to be running the show for a while yet.