The goal shared by US proponents of
collective security and unilateralism
explains why so many neoconservative unilateralists
can describe themselves as Wilsonians
even as they spurn alliances and reject
international organisations. Both schools
of Wilsonianism hope to transcend old-fashioned
The rival conceptions of the UN as world
government and the US as world governor
are two versions of the same utopian illusion.
The only realistic method of maintaining
a minimal degree of order in international
affairs is world governance neither by
all nor by one but by some. When the great
powers of a given era compete, the results
are expensive and lethal proxy wars or
direct conflicts. However, when the great
powers form a concert and collaborate
in managing regional crises, the chances
for a nonviolent, if not necessarily just,
world are maximised.
This was the perception of 20th-century
realists such as Theodore Roosevelt, who
envisioned a US-British-French alliance
as an alternative to US president Woodrow
Wilson's League of Nations after World
War I, and it inspired Roosevelt's hopes
for a US-British-Soviet concert after
World War II.
The relative success of NATO in the
Balkans suggests an approach to world
order that requires neither collective
security under the UN nor collective acquiescence
to the US. Most so-called global problems,
including Iraq and North Korea, are actually
regional problems and should be dealt
with chiefly by those great powers that
have the greatest interest in doing so,
in addition to the greatest capability
to act.
The hype about the US as the sole global
superpower obscures the fact the US is
best described as a multi-regional great
power. Both the US and Russia, among the
great powers, have a stake, for reasons
of geography alone, in what goes on in
Europe and North-East Asia. Russia, bordering
on many Muslim nations, arguably has a
greater interest in the Middle East and
Central Asia than does the US, which has
been the hegemon in the Persian Gulf only
since the first Gulf War. BECAUSE neither
the US nor Russia colonised the Middle
East, Russo-American co-operation in the
region might have more legitimacy than
interventions by the former colonial powers
of Britain and France (although US acquiescence
in Israeli extremism hurts US legitimacy).
By the same realist logic, the North
Korean crisis ought to be addressed not
by all (the UN) nor by one (the US) but
by some - the US, Japan, Russia, China
and South Korea, the states with the greatest
stake in the outcome. Unlike the Bush
administration's collection of bribed
and opportunistic client states, these
regional coalitions, to be perceived as
legitimate, would have to include more
great powers than one.
The alternative to the false utopias
of UN world governance and US world governance,
then, is not global chaos, as the rival
proponents of the two schools of collective
security and unilateralism claim. Rather,
the alternative is a sustainable system
in which different groups of great powers
collaborate to resolve regional problems
on an ad hoc basis.
Such an approach is not likely to inspire
the visionaries who dream of world federation
or world empire. But the 20th century
should have taught us that there is nothing
more dangerous than visionaries wielding
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