On 17 January 2024 Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken reiterated the need for “a pathway to a Palestinian state”- adding:
You’re not going to get the genuine security you need absent that. And, of course, to that end as well, a stronger, reformed Palestinian Authority that can more effectively deliver for its own people has to be part of the equation...
Biden ignored Netanyahu’s warning on 24 January 2024:
I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over all the territory west of Jordan - and this is contrary to a Palestinian state...
Biden betrayed Israel by slipping his own proposed two-state solution into draft Resolution S/2024/448.
Trump’s decision to treat Gaza as a separate territorial entity has sunk Biden’s two-state solution.
Trump will veto any Security Council attempt to implement Biden’s two-state solution contained in Resolution 2735.
Trump’s decision on allocating sovereignty in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) is expected this coming week.
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