We live in a world where the fundamental concepts of host and guest are now being inverted. There is a tendency in the West that an increasing number of migrants are being led to believe that they feel more like hosts than guests, even claiming the right to transform the host culture into the likeness of their guest culture. This belief is often reinforced by the tacit and unwritten encouragement that any host who objects to this trend will face repercussions, being labelled and cancelled as a racist as against principles of diversity and inclusivity. It further promises that nationhood will soon be abolished by enforcing open border policies. A new era is emerging, where traditional senses of nationalism, patriotism, localism and cultural realities fade away and give way to global governance.
Let us think in a Kantian way: An action is considered morally good only if applied universally. Consider this: Is there any politician in Australia, for example, who would open their own home to new migrants, inviting them to stay with their family? If not, why do they advocate for unrestricted and unregulated migration, using taxpayers’ money and exacerbating existing social problems, eg, the housing crisis, while personally doing the opposite of what they preach? This contradiction is not just a logical inconsistency or a moral hypocrisy but a political deception with far-reaching societal implications.
Furthermore, let us look at our financial reality. We live in a world now where many feel they are being financially robbed, yet nobody knows who the robber is. Aggressive inflation can be perceived as this invisible robber, a hidden theft. Despite the evident pattern of crippling inflation affecting Western economies for years, the question of who benefits from this situation remains unanswered.
Lastly, AI is now being hailed as the beacon of humanity’s future. However, it represents an advanced form of human intelligence that paradoxically leads to its total control of humanity. The more advanced AI is, the more constraints we are put under by those who control this AI.
In short, we gradually find ourselves in a globalising society where many values have been entirely or partly upended, turned inside out, and starkly contrasted to what we once considered commonsensical and reasonable. The inversion of these values is achieved through widespread gaslighting, propaganda and intimidation that goes unchallenged, much like the tale of the emperor who paraded in his invisible clothes, with only a child daring to speak the truth. The inversion is the death of certainty, validity and sanity. It is a mockery of our rationality, a threat to subjugate us all, eventuating in a civilisational collapse.
We live in a world of vertigo. This is perhaps the only certainty we have. At the same time, this certainty is the most critical perspective to evaluate the rapid destruction of our values, reality, and future before we are all consumed by this subversive vertigo.
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