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The Biden-Xi meeting prompts deep thinking

By Chin Jin - posted Friday, 24 November 2023

The Biden-Xi meeting appears to be the focal point of Sino-US relations, attracting global attention. If one can grasp the ins and outs of the US-China relationship and the fundamental aspects of the ties between them, there is little reason to delve deeply into the Biden-Xi meeting, as it may not be worth the anticipation.

Sino-US relations, thawed since 1972 and spanning half a century, coupled with the relocation of the Republic of China to Taiwan after its defeat in the Chinese Civil War post-World War II, can be succinctly characterized by the deep-rooted connection and historical origins between the Chinese Communist Party and the Democratic Party of the United States.

The slogan "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China" has been ingrained in the minds of several generations of mainland Chinese, penetrating deep into their consciousness. However, the true essence, in plain terms, should be understood as "Without figures like Truman and Marshall and other American leftists, there would be no rapid transformation of the Chinese Communist Party from weakness to strength, swiftly overpowering Chiang Kai-shek's Republic of China in less than three years and establishing a bloody communist authoritarian regime on the Chinese mainland".


In 1999, when Dr. Wang Bingzhang, a founding figure of the contemporary Chinese overseas democracy movement, visited Australia, he sorrowfully expressed to the author a viewpoint: the United States does not want China to achieve constitutional democracy. Wang Bingzhang believed that once China achieved constitutional democracy, the tremendous power emanating from hundreds of millions of Chinese people would quickly surpass that of all countries in the world, placing China at the forefront of the world's nations. This was something the United States least wanted to see.

For over two decades, I have had various firsthand experiences, and I am well aware of the political hypocrisy displayed by the United States and the West in their approach to the concrete implementation of democracy in China. I also clearly recognize this, but constrained by "political correctness," I have been unable to boldly speak out about this reality. Recently, Chinese born American political commentator Mr. Wu Jianmin visited Sydney, Australia for a public talk. During a Q&A session at his lecture, Wu Jianmin courageously spoke about this reality. This is a harsh reality that the Chinese people face. Therefore, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) always manages to escape the fate of overthrow because the Democratic Party of the United States consistently protects the CCP, ensuring its continued survival.

In 1999, a senior official from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs explicitly conveyed to me that Australia hoped for China to pursue the path of democratization. However, Australia would not support or assist the opposition to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), including the Chinese democratic movement and organizations, in opposing the Beijing regime with which Australia had formal diplomatic relations.

In 2016, an official from the National Endowment for Democracy in the United States also responded to me regarding the political stance of the United States towards the CCP, which was consistent with the position of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs.

One of the most authoritative expressions came from Stephen Orlins, the President of the National Committee on United States–China Relations, during a meeting in October 2016. He made it clear to us about the intentions of US decision-makers in the context of US-China relations. He told us that the United States had the ability to change China by eliminating the US-China trade deficit. This action would lead to the collapse of the Chinese economy, triggering social and political upheaval, potentially resulting in a change of political power. However, the United States was not willing to do so, as it would also cause significant damage to the United States. The US did not want to see social unrest in China or the downfall of the CCP; hence, it would continue to adopt a policy of support toward China.

Orlins also mentioned the Hong Kong issue at that time, expressing his view that the CCP had handled it well, though the Causeway Bay Books disappearances were somewhat excessive. He also criticized Martin Lee and Anson Chan for their closed-door talks with Biden and Pelosi. This dialogue caused a modification in my previous belief that there might be a change in US policy toward China with the "rebalance to Asia" strategy, leading me to accept the reality that US policy toward China would remain unchanged since President Nixon's visit to Beijing in 1972. This revelation occurred in October 2016, a month before the US presidential election. However, Orlins inadvertently provided us with another piece of information: if Trump were to win over Hillary and assume the presidency-an extremely unlikely scenario at the time-the US-China trade war would inevitably break out.


If the Democratic Party of the United States and the Chinese Communist Party are not twin brothers, then they are at least siblings, born from socialism. Both trace their roots back to the utopian and idealistic socialist figures such as Fourier, Saint-Simon, and Robert Owen, giving rise to scientific socialism, one of the three components of Marxism and the primary stage of communism. The Democratic Party of the United States has exhibited an affinity for Soviet communism and Yan'an-style communism. This is evident in the initial recognition of the Soviet Union during Roosevelt's New Deal, robust support for Stalin during World War II, and Truman's interventions favoring Mao Zedong over Chiang Kai-shek by imposing arms embargoes and policy tilt, ultimately aiding the Communist Party in sweeping across China.

While the United States presents itself as the world's democratic beacon, it is, in reality, quite hypocritical. Today, as the Chinese people endure under the iron grip of the Chinese Communist Party, the one who opened the magic box and unleashed the CCP to torment the Chinese people was the Democratic Party of the United States.

It is crucial to recognize the extreme brutality of the CCP and understand that resisting the CCP is a battle between humans and beasts, as well as a confrontation between ordinary people and the devil. In the world, only the United States seems capable of overcoming the CCP. However, what frustrates and saddens the Chinese people is that, for more than seventy years, whenever the CCP faced adversity, it received assistance from the United States. Therefore, anticipating that the Biden-Xi meeting will bring about a vision for political change in China is akin to seeking fish in a tree and negotiating with a tiger for its skin.

The brutality of the CCP today is enabled by Western support. The high-tech advancements of the CCP, used to suppress the populace, have received significant contributions from Western technological support. This support, in turn, reflects the policy support of the United States and the Western governments toward the CCP. The short-sightedness of political insight and the greed for interests within the United States and the West (whether in politics, academia, media, or business) have, to some extent, facilitated the CCP's effective use of modern science and technology to deceive and control the Chinese people. The death of Nanjing media person Sun Lin, a victim of the reinforced machinery of the CCP state, underscores the strengthening of the Chinese regime, which is tacitly permitted by the United States and the West's stance toward the CCP.

In the end, taking a broader look at the current world, the author wishes to float the following: While God created the world, the devil, Satan, controls it. The mention of God punishing humanity with the great flood and leaving behind Noah's Ark suggests a belief in divine warnings, as seen in the Book of Revelation, serving as a cautionary message for humanity.


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About the Author

Dr Chin Jin is a maverick, activist, campaigner, essayist, freelancer, researcher and organizer with the vision to foresee a new post-Chinese Communist regime era that will present more cooperatively, more constructively and more appropriately to the Asia Pacific region and even the world.

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