The only home where traditional conservatives like me can find a meaningful place is in the political centre where the ideology of common sense prevails. From there, we will always be able to look at every issue and ask,
What is the common sense way to fix this?
And to hell with the stupidity of both capitalism and socialism.
At this moment, Independents are the only politicians who are trying to occupy the centre ground and move forward with common sense. The others are hide bound by the rules and ancient dogmas of their Parties and the primitive beliefs that they cling to.
My valued friend, Tony Windsor, was a fine example of how a quality Independent works. Still is.
History records that he, as an Independent, held the casting vote in the New South Wales Parliament during the term of a Liberal minority government led by Nick Greiner, and in the Federal Parliament when Julia Gillard's Labor Government survived in the minority.
If you ask both Gillard and Greiner, they will affirm that, with every piece of legislation they put forward, Tony Windsor would put it through the common sense test. If it did not stack up, he would refuse to vote for it and they would have to go back to the drawing boards.
Read his book, Windsor's Way and be inspired by the story. It is a great read. I know because I wrote the Foreword.
So, I invite you to join me as a traditional conservative who is an enthusiastic reformer. Indeed, it is not possible to be a genuine conservative without being a progressive reformer. If you don't want to be a reformer, it means that you may be a fascist.
We will be grounded in our values and use them as our cornerstone on which we will significantly reform and enhance the world by using by using the most powerful weapon on the planet. Common sense.
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