Lowering the regulatory bar
Many issues have arisen over pharmaceutical registration during the pandemic. The rigorous requirements in approving the use of Sars Cov 2 vaccines was circumvented by emergency use authorizations. Mass vaccination across the world occurred, where much of it was mandated by authorities. This has been done before full safety data had been collected and analysed. As safety data is now slowly being collated, there are a number of issues regarding Sars Cov 2 vaccines that need careful attention by authorities. At the point of writing these issues have not been addressed.
Vaccine mandates ignored the issues of natural and adaptive immunities. Public health administrations also neglected to advise citizens on how to maximize natural immunity through exercise, diet, weight loss, and supplements.
Vaccine mandates and adverse reactions are now becoming a major area for class legal actions against authorities.
The vaccine strategy was a single tier strategy, even though vaccines were not available to all for some months. The mandates have signalled the loss of individual orientated patient care, to a one size fits all approach in medicine. This is a great regression in international public health.
Medical practitioners in some jurisdictions have been forbidden to prescribe particular medicines they believe would assist their patients. This was state interference in the doctor-patient relationship, not on a medical basis, but on a political basis.
The relationship between public health authorities, regulatory bodies, and pharmaceutical corporations requires greater scrutiny, so as to avoid future conflicts of interest. Failure to do so will result in the public loss of confidence in public health and pharmaceuticals.
Economic Disaster
Fiscal policy blowouts with record deficits and high debt, and monetary policy which has brought about a massive expansion of money supply, has created a bout of runaway inflation, growing unemployment, recession, and stagflation. This has been primarily blamed on Ukraine, but probably has its roots in 2020-21 Covid-19 policies.
Prolonged economic restrictions during the pandemic saw many SMEs stifled and sent into bankruptcy, while large corporations were primarily left alone to operate. One of the results of this has been a vast redistribution of wealth in many societies, where the middle-class has been threatened with extinction. Public sector employees through rising wages have become the economic elite in society. The increasing wealth gap is widening, where many households are heading rapidly into relative poverty due to the rising cost of living. Rising interest rates will bring on further economic slowdowns and raise company operational costs.
The corporations are the winners, especiallythe oil companies which are now receiving bumper profits due to high oil prices. Developed economies are now heavily paying the price for dilapidated infrastructure in health, agriculture, and energy sectors.
Government overreach is exacerbating the situation. There is a sense of denial within government, stating the source of these problems lays in Ukraine and climate change.
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