This weekend the Prime Minister heads to Fiji for the annual Pacific Islands Forum which brings together the leaders of the forum nations including Australia and New Zealand.
The fact the PM is being called on to cancel the trip by so called experienced and informed commentators shows how poorly informed Australians are on our regional neighbourhood.
Any cancellation would be interpreted by regional leaders as a snub. It is of no relevance to them that he has already made three overseas trips since being sworn in just over six weeks ago.
This is a vital trip for the PM. It is one he MUST undertake.
Australia is not an observer at the Forum. It is an equal partner. An equal partner in a body that has been fracturing. At least a temporary peace has been achieved.
Australia has a vital role in ensuring that peace continues. We cannot do it by not attending!
At the same time as the Forum meets, China is once again attempting to undermine the Forum full stop. Most Forum members have resisted China's clumsy efforts at locking them into very dangerous "security agreements".
Australia needs to work overtime at the Forum to ensure China fails - again.
China is seeking to have a meeting with Forum Foreign Ministers held around the same time as the leaders meet.
Australia and New Zealand have a unique opportunity to achieve a united front against China's interference in our region.
Last week the G7 nations set up a multibillion dollar fund to directly counter China's influence.
Australia and NZ need to lead the way in securing for the Pacific a share of the billions. That won't be done if we sideline ourselves from the Forum's premier leaders group.
The United States is slowly awakening to the reality that China wants to totally marginalise it in our immediate region. About time!
The Trump administration failed our region miserably. It neglected the growth of China's influence.
The Biden administration shows significantly more promise. Its engagement is through Kurt Campbell a powerful Washington insider. It is talking the talk, it now needs to deliver urgent results...with the emphasis on urgent.
Clearly the US will have a lead role in deciding how the billions are spent. We need to position ourselves to play an influential role.
I have one suggestion on how to make a big impact in our region - an impact on China's insidious debt burden strategy. If that is not addressed everything else will be ineffective. China's stranglehold will be maintained.
Just about all our island neighbours are heavily in debt to China - just how much in debt is unknown as the loan agreements with governments and state-owned corporations are clouded in secrecy.
We need to lift the veil of secrecy! The best way to do that is to work on a country-by-country basis and negotiate with leaders on replacing China's debt with transparent and affordable debt arrangements.
Inevitably it will need to include some debt forgiveness. Loans ride to Chinese contractors undertaking all construction work should be replaced if countries agree.
Other areas of priority need to be public communications infrastructure. China's stranglehold over telecommunications is a huge and growing worry. We need to encourage nations to replace it.
Decisions on replacing China's debt trap diplomacy will be complex and sensitive - but they cannot be avoided.
Several, perhaps more, of our regional neighbours are already unable to meet debt repayments to China - much of it for unproductive projects that are essentially China flag waving exercises and favours for local politicians.
The.program also needs to subsidise agricultural and fishing sectors which China is slowly but surely getting a stranglehold over. In the case of PNG upwards of 80% of marine produce goes directly to China on China's terms,
The same applies in a number of island nations where domestic fishing activity is being destroyed!
The other aspect of the international support needs to provide for effective maritime surveillance and border integrity. Australia plays a role in that, but aspects are seriously flawed and inadequate. It needs more modern boats and better surveillance equipment - and training.
The priorities I have outlined just scratch the surface. But they offer a useful start.