From a similar perspective , Russia reminded that "The events associated with the coronavirus crisis have become another reminder, if not a warning, to all of us, the peoples of the United Nations, that the only way to defeat global threats is not by erection of dividing barriers, but by solidarity, by combining the efforts of all states. The age-old wisdom says: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. "
Speaking on behalf of the 10 ASEAN members, as current Chair of this regional organization, Brunei Darussalam said :" , We agree that the promotion and strengthening of multilateralism is pertinent in accelerating global economic recovery and in mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we welcome the ESCAP resolution which will be adopted during this session that calls for closer cooperation in multiple sectors to enable the realisation of the building back better agenda".
As a general conclusion formulated in the official account of the ESCAP session, "The Commission agreed that multilateral and regional cooperation were essential to build back better and should be aligned with the 2030 Agenda to ensure more sustainable and resilient economies. It was stated that regional and global cooperation should be promoted under the principles of multilateralism, unity, equality, mutual benefit, solidarity and respect for sovereignty, while preventing politically motivated factors and sanctions rhetoric from destructively affecting the overall efforts to recover from COVID-19 and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals".
An ambitious policy agenda
The report (112 pages) which animated the debates sets out an ambitious policy agenda grounded in regional cooperation. It recommends that countries reject protectionist measures, favouring regional solidarity to aid trade facilitation and decarbonize industry, shifting to a more sustainable and lower-carbon, multimodal freight transport. To support long-term, resilient and sustainable development, countries should reorient spending away from non-developmental areas and consider tax reforms to mitigate inequalities.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations has argued for global action on debt and solidarity, which should involve writing down debt in the poorest and most vulnerable countries. Moreover, all countries need to arrive at a national consensus on social protection leading to transparent and well governed schemes based on principles of solidarity across populations and between generations.
From a more general perspective , ESCAP documents revealed that COVID-19 has affected countries all over the world. Indeed, it has led to the first recorded drop in the global human development index. But in contrast to other international crises, the global impact has not been matched by global solidarity. This is partly because the pandemic affected the traditional donor countries and cut across conventional disaster cooperation models.
Looking into the future
"We are committed to supporting governments to building back better from the COVID-19 pandemic through inclusive, resilient and sustainable recovery strategies," Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP, said in her closing remarks to the Commission's 77th session. "It is my utmost hope that the resolution on regional cooperation to build back better from crises in Asia and the Pacific will further mainstream our response to COVID-19." In her view, the spirit of goodwill prevailed, and "solidarity remained at the core of our responses".
The scale and urgency of the pandemic reaffirmed the importance and relevance of regional and subregional cooperation, more so for countries in geographical proximity to each other. In this regard , it is useful to remind the topical considerations expressed by the delegation of Australia :
"The Indo-Pacific is Australia's home, which is why Australia reshaped our development program to establish a new COVID-19 response and recovery partnership with the region. The pivot will ensure Australia's development partnerships become even more relevant and responsive to partner countries' needs, focused on supporting our region's health security, economic recovery, and stability. Underscoring the importance of regional and multilateral cooperation, Australia is proud to have supported the COVAX facility to improve access to safe, effective, and affordable COVID-19 vaccines for 92 countries in our region and around the world. This is in addition to our landmark Regional Vaccines Initiative focused on Southeast Asia and the Pacific".
These words are encouraging , as ESCAP will celebrate its seventy-fifth anniversary in 2022. Its main team will be "A common agenda to advance sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific".
The Executive Secretary of ESCAP remarked that "regional cooperation is as needed today as it was 75 years ago." She noted that as the Commission approaches this landmark milestone it is poised to take concrete actions on shaping the future of regional cooperation to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and deliver on the common agenda set out by member States.
The Executive Secretary of ESCAP was requested to assist member states, upon request, in further enhancing national social protection systems, including through the implementation of the Action Plan to Strengthen Regional Cooperation on Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific.