I was delighted to discover on the weekend that I have become a matter of concern and criticism for the "Noosa Temple of Satan". I immediately retweeted their comments condemning me and those politicians daring to be seen associating with me and the Christian political conference I convene each February. I accompanied it with my own thoughts:

I mean, seriously – could there be any better endorsement than to be seen by satanists as antithetical to their claimed values? Could any politician let alone activist want for any better PR than to be despised by satanists?
Put aside what is blatantly obvious about satanism to anyone not profoundly deceived by the father of lies, and what they say about themselves is enough to say right thinking people have no interest in their opinion on anything.
Most obviously, they are proudly anti-Christian. If there is any Christian who is not the subject of their criticism, they should be terrified about the quality of their Christianity and the review Christ will give them soon enough.
I stress again that what self-described followers of the father of lies has to say about themselves should be taken as the tip of the iceberg. They pretend satan isn't real and the object of their worship is merely a symbolic figure of their worship of pride & rebellion. But the little they make no effort to conceal is more than enough to disqualify them from any conversation requiring a common commitment to sincerity or civility.
Satanism's rules say if someone "in your lair" merely annoys you, you must "treat him cruelly and without mercy." Of course there are no sexual ethics beyond allegedly requiring a "mating signal". The prohibition against killing only specifies "non-human animals", but "if someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."
They describe their 'religion' as "carnal", which means to do with the flesh, as opposed to our spirit. It is selfish, indulgent and subjective – they are "egoists". This is the diametric opposite of authentic Christianity which is sacrificially generous, concerned primarily with the welfare of others, and humbly submitted to the objective Truth and authority of Almighty God.
Much more could be said about their debased philosophy, but take especial note of the harmony and agreement with the radical left's tyrannical cancel culture and moral relativism.
No surprise, then, they feel they have procured a "gotcha" moment for three unapologetically public Christians; an attempted character assassination by which they hope to take their ideological enemies out of the battle for the soul of the nation by either cancellation or intimidation. This is nothing more than the usual intellectual cowardice offered by those inadequately armed for a contest of ideas.
When we start giving a pinch of salt to the assessment by satanists of the quality of anyone's Christianity, we have forgotten Who our Lord and King is, and might as well throw in with their miserable assembly. I've previously responded to the initial criticism of this photo by better characters, and I do not presume to do so again every time some clown critiques my Christianity.
I couldn't care less if they think I shouldn't be photographed with members of the Proud Boys. My role model, Jesus Christ, was also seen to be sharing a meal with people despised by the self-righteous, intolerant hecklers of His day. They also were so concerned and critical of Him that they sought to character assassinate and cancel Him.
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