The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) movement, since the early days of the Club of Rome (a California-based think-tank) and their 1972 doomsday book Limits to Growth, has required social engineering and the media as essential components of their mission. Through their configuration of the UN-hosted IPCC in 1989, the same group has enabled a mechanism to deliver social change, using the cloak of AGW global climate models to justify its mission of globalisation and equity redistribution.
The media have promoted catastrophic climate change predictions, but now these predictions are unravelling and opposition to AGW is becoming more vocal. Just like poker players and scam artists, when there is a risk of losing or being caught out, Climate Change Cultists (CCC) must "up the ante" or create distractions.
For a decade the media have declared "the science is settled" and that "consensus is 97%". Climate realist dissent is rising and the "97% consensus" figure discredited. The 2018 reanalysis by actual scientists of that 2013 Australian "97% consensus" social science study analysed academic journals that referred to climate change. When the reanalysis focused on those climate science articles that specifically agreed that humans were responsible for global warming, the consensus was a miniscule 0.1-0.3%. But US President Obama declared "97% consensus", so it must be true.
With such reanalysis coming to light, the CCCers must act quickly. The climate change tipping points, much like the "peak-oil" tipping points have not happened. A 2007 AGW paper defined nine climatic tipping points, namely: Amazon Forest; West Antarctic; East Antarctic; Arctic; Atlantic circulation; boreal forest; coral reefs; Greenland; and permafrost. Yet, massive catastrophic positive feedbacks have not occurred. These tipping points have not tipped. As for the 'Attenborough' polar bear population tipping point, bear population growth destroyed that endangered species fairytale.
CCCers' new tack is to enrol a new term from the social sciences, namely the "Social Tipping Point' (STP). Climate change tipping points have come and gone, so what's STP's attraction? A recent academic paper defined an STP as:
...a point within a Socio-Ecological-System (SES)at which a small quantitative change inevitably triggers a non-linear change in the social component of the SES, driven by a self-reinforcing positive feedback mechanism, that inevitably and often irreversibly, leads to a qualitatively different state of the social system.
STP events have to be managed and driven by extreme social interventions such as: Magna Carta in 1215; French Revolution in 1789; assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand which triggered World War I; or the invasion of Poland that triggered World War II. I would suggest the most modern STP was Facebook, which has led to the virtual world social media.
The great value of the STP for CCCers, is that it doesn't have to rely on facts, science or reality. Instead it uses social perception, propaganda, thought manipulation and a suite of tools that facilitate the STP. These tools include social media, activist campaigns, Hollywood/music stars and an eager traditional media. Having corralled these tools into declaring that the "science is settled", they can drive rapid social change, deliver the CCC STP quickly, conveniently bypassing their failed climate tipping points. Or so they hope.
Early elements of these AGW STP tools include: the "Greta effect"; school climate strikes; Extinction Rebellion (XR); and the "Green New Deals".
STPs can only be declared after a suitable environment has been created. Over the last two decades the CCCers and AGW entities have delivered this environment using initiatives such as:
- Education curricula, which have been so willing to set the scene for future followers and even messiahs like Greta Thunberg.
- Power industry reforms that attack fossil fuels and subsidise renewables both at the infrastructure and personal home scale.
- Finance, whereby investments are deemed riskier, because the always self-focused investors will always steer clear of potential risky investments, particularly those attacked by CCCers.
- Corporate governance, which has become 'woke' and now includes social, environmental and energy performance indicators that enable 'soft' achievement using appropriate politically/socially correct words, yet deliver nothing.
- Planning of cities and houses, with regulations that reward the CCC agenda and impose severe costs on non-compliance.
- Media (traditional and social) are aligned to the 'truth' of AGW and how the evidence is clear for an imminent STP.
The AGW STP environment is set, and every month, media somewhere will promote a poll (obscure, small, usually vague in nature) that confirms the 'vast majority of the population believe that AGW is real and catastrophic'. AGWers cry that we're DOOMED! The Social Tipping Point is here, we have "crisis", "catastrophe" and "emergency" all around us, as the media scriptures tell us!
The AGW feel their STP is perfectly positioned to "tip". On 14-15th February 2020, Melbourne hosts the National Climate Emergency (NCE) Summit. The townhall will be overflowing with devout CCCers. In the minds of the AGW believers, the Australian bushfires are a Gaia-given backdrop for the NCE Summit, a demonstration of a climate tipping point beyond which "fireball earth" looms. The 83 "leaders" for the upcoming NCE Summit include only one controversial US climate scientist (Michael Mann) to open the Summit and two ecologists. The other 80 leaders come from politics, policy, social, counselling, innovation, energy, activism (including XR members), advocacy, media, and bureaucracy backgrounds. Who needs scientists when "the science is settled"?
This is a social engineering summit, endeavouring to create an AGW STP. The Melbourne NCE Summit will dictate an action plan for us to follow. They believe our obedient acceptance will save Australia and the World. The $64 trillion question is, will society follow these lemmings?
Don't think this is an Australian issue. Already, the international documentary crews are producing AGW propaganda. A UK documentary entitled "Australia on Fire: Climate Crisis" recently declared Australia a disaster zone, where forests are now "mass grave sites" and "hellscapes". An Australian academic said we were heading towards "fireball earth" with "large parts of the earth becoming uninhabitable". No mention of fuel loads, limited prescribed burning nor the preceding drought. It's all down to climate change and that the current government of coal-loving deniers are out of touch with their 'virtual, modelled reality'.
CCCers aspire to make the Melbourne NCE Summit the first of many STP summits that will cascade around the world, delivering multiple evangelical epiphanies. What will Melbourne NCE Summit deliver? Profits for the organisers, agitated dilutional juvenile/green activists, more pointless protests/disruption, performance artists and another opportunity for global CCCers to label parts of the Australian population as luddites, deniers and deplorables. Oh yes, and an action plan to dictate our pathway out of their self-declared climate emergency.