Chairman Adam Schiff should have recused himself long ago. He is conflicted – bearing a strong animus towards the President – insisting Trump colluded with Russia – despite the $40 million thirty months Mueller Investigation finding there was no such collusion.
Peterson's principled stance is sadly lacking in the Democratic Party today.
Van Drew sent a strong message to his fellow Democrat House members:
Today, I voted Nay on H.Res. 660. Without bipartisan support I believe this inquiry will further divide the country tearing it apart at the seams and will ultimately fail in the Senate. However, now that the vote has taken place and we are moving forward I will be making a judgement call based on all the evidence presented by these investigations. My hope is that we are still able to get some work done to help the American people like infrastructure, veteran's benefits, environmental protections, immigration reform, reducing prescription drug cost, and strengthening Social Security.
The Senate cannot possibly hope to muster a two-thirds majority needed to convict the President. Smear and innuendo denigrating the President seems set to dominate Democrat tactics under the guise of sanctimoniously trying to impeach Trump.
The Democrats have apparently given up on beating Trump at the ballot box based on better Democrat policies than those offered by the Republicans.
Trump's impressive record of achievementssince 2016 is studiously ignored by the anti-Trump mass media and disparaged by the Democrats.
The Democrats are rapidly sinking in the quicksand of despair at the prospect of Trump winning another four years in office.
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