After many pages of detailed descriptions of priests' double lives, Martel ends his book on a hopeful note. He tells of same-sex relationships lived out in the Vatican between men in plain sight and to the death! Of course, we all know of such men in secular society and how their relationships transcend sex and evolve into loving partnerships. Secular society has led the way for the normalisation of the various kinds of sexual orientation we find in the population.
The Church cannot just mimic secular society because it lives by its theology. Hence any movement must be preceded by a theological revolution. The Church is not lacking in fine theologians, most of whom have been ostracised or removed from teaching positions from where they could aid in this task. Conservative theology is very hard to change because it guards against changes that would threaten those with vested interests. But unless a change is made at this basic level, of how the Church understands the gospel, then nothing can happen.
The only hope for the normalisation of priestly life in the Roman Church is the lifting of the rule of celibacy, the recognition of gay relationships and the ordination of women. I know this is obvious, but it is not obvious to the old men who fear exposure. The theological objections they use to protect their positions have long since been debunked.
I can imagine the Vatican becoming like normal society with the children of priests playing in the gardens. This would be a post-gay society in which sexual orientation is so thoroughly integrated into every day thinking that it is scarcely mentioned or thought about. Surely, that is what is happening in many societies in the West. The Church should be at the forefront of such societal changes rather than being the obstacle it has become.
There have been rumours that Francis has read and approved of the book. We know that Francis has been busy cleaning out the Curia and is fully aware of the problems. It may be, if the book is taken seriously, that it could be the weapon he needs to overcome the inertia he has been battling. The promise is that root and branch reform of the Catholic Church will be the result.
But don't hold your breath!
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