In the Russian case, their historic practice, going back to the Tsarist Okhrana, of spreading disinformation, fake documents, sowing domestic chaos and distrust, means that the Kremlin's appetite for destruction has only been whetted by the hysteria and insanity of America's political class and media over the past three years. The clearly desired Russian effect of a divided and suspicious America was achieved beyond Putin's wildest dreams. While I have long counselled a realistic and historically informed approach to the Russian threat, given that the cold war is now long over, anyone thinking the Russians, or the Chinese and Iranians, have not seen here a real vulnerability for exploiting America's domestic divisions, at very little real cost, is deluding themself. Unless and until the United States takes seriously its duty to its own people, to protect them against foreign influences and the rampant political and lobbying corruption that enables its spread, the future of American domestic politics is what we have seen recently. And every US ally should be extraordinarily concerned by the sight of this great and powerful republic whose political class is seemingly unable to protect America from meddling by malevolent foreign adversaries.
Secondly, something clearly went badly wrong with the US Intelligence community in 2015-2016 and, most especially, with the FBI in the Comey era. The conduct of James Clapper and John Brennan was sub-standard and, in Brennan's case, disgraceful in retirement. However, something was badly awry with Comey and the FBI. It is not just that James Comey was weak with respect to baulking at prosecuting Hillary Clinton, and a pathetic presence online. He seems to have been, at best, the FBI's invisible man. It is not just that so much of the Comey-era FBI leadership has been fired or terminated for cause, or referred for criminal prosecution. If it was well known to the FBI in 2015-2016, such that it then commenced the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, that the Russians were seeking to insert themselves or their agents into the orbit of the Trump campaign (and, given Russian enrichment of the Clintons over the years, one cannot be sure it was only the Trump campaign), the FBI had an undeniable and positive duty to defensively brief Trump and his senior aides. There is, simply, no excuse for the FBI leadership's failure to warn Trump and his campaign of what the FBI leadership then already knew were destabilising Russian machinations. It is difficult to think of another first world country where the national counter-intelligence agency would not have acted to protect a threat to a national political campaign. It is difficult to think of any serious counter-intelligence professional in history who would have behaved as Comey and his coterie did in 2015-2016. In the UK, for example, the security services are a not uncommon if subtle advisor to political leaders, especially where dubious backbenchers and mainchancers are associated with the wrong sorts of 'Johnny Foreigner'. In Australia, ASIO will make public statements to warn of foreign influence, especially the Chinese in recent years. The French, also, are particularly zealous at protecting their domestic politics from foreign intrigues. Somehow the FBI of the Comey era went missing in action as a concerted - if not overly large, expensive, or sophisticated - Russian campaign to sow chaos in an election year went into top gear. The FBI's handling of the notorious Steele dossier, almost certainly the product of current and former Russian intelligence operatives, where it was taken seriously enough for Comey to brief the US President-elect in January 2017, is a matter for another day but suggests an FBI with major problems.
(One suspects that Clapper and Comey briefed Trump on the Steele Dossier to both inform the incoming president but, also, one infers, as a means of suggesting to Trump this duo had 'one over' on Trump...little did either realise that Trump's careeer spent in property development prepared him unusually well for dealing with stand-over men and how they are best 'fired' when attempting to extort.)
Thirdly, on any view, the US news media has utterly disgraced itself at every step of the Mueller probe. It was clear to anyone who could read plain English that Mueller's probe was intended as a counter-intelligence probe into Russian activities in the 2016 election, not a mission to remove Trump from office. The all but obsessive belief in the US media, with all too few honourable exceptions, that Mueller was, indeed, the means by which their bête noire Trump would leave office in disgrace if not under actual arrest, has destroyed what little remaining credibility that the US media enjoyed after its embarrassing bias during the Obama years and the Hillary campaign. That Trump won an election that the media overwhelmingly opposed him on was Trump's unforgiveable sin. That, on balance, even the hyperbolic 'Don from Queens' Donald Trump was far closer to the truth as to the veracity of the allegations against him than almost anyone in American journalism was – not to mention a US media whose cable news green rooms were populated by former American security eminences sullied by the Iraq war - should provoke some serious soul-searching. To its credit, many independent and even left of centre journalists (who I would probably disagree with on most things) did ask questions and refuse to join the media herd, with Matthew Taibbi's brutal but deserved account a 'must read' from this debacle. The lion of the conservative American media establishment, Brit Hume, was right to describe the media coverage as the "worst journalistic debacle of my lifetime". The US media needs its own reckoning. I say this with no relish but, instead, with regard to the vital role that a serious and independent media plays in informing the public and in holding governmental power to account. If the media is now so rotten and agenda driven, then not only will these crucial public duties go unperformed but, when a crisis inevitably occurs, there will be no media in which the public can have any confidence. Finally, hopefully, conservatives who believe in the rule of law will have learned to be sceptical of rushes to judgement based on institutional trust not actual evidence, and will be cautious before joining any future pile on of a Democrat placed in Trump's position.
Fourthly, for all of the United States' current travails, it should take enormous pride that it can still produce a public servant of the calibre of Robert Mueller. I have enormous personal regard for Mueller. Yes, he was and is, to borrow the nonsensical terminology of our time, a son of 'privilege', a 'prep', but he was also that rare member of his cohort who volunteered to serve in the Vietnam War that so many, including future US Presidents, did their best to evade – and Mueller served there with distinction as a Marine officer. Mueller then, also, eschewed a lucrative career in private practice to take prosecutorial positions in the service of the public interest. On any view, Mueller is a heroic figure and only the more so for his willingness to disappoint the baying mobs and political hacks. Hopefully, for the US' sake, there are other Muellers out there, who will avoid partisan politics, and the temptation to play for applause from the gallery, and instead doggedly follow the evidence where it leads and, if it is insufficient, be satisfied to exonerate rather than make baseless allegations. Robert Mueller is a living reminder of the sort of diligent, quiet, self-effacing, and American "wise men" who created the American century, and who built and led a superpower.
Finally, the full truth of the Mueller probe, especially its counter-intelligence aspects, and its related issues will likely never be known. Moreover, the personages involved have still never been asked questions on what really happened in 2015-2016 in any exhaustive manner. It is as if a narrative took hold that few if any in journalism or academia wanted to question. As a wise Crown Prosecutor once said to me, "Even the greatest of crimes is but a mere chronology". In March 2019, even with Mueller's report now submitted, it is still entirely unclear what actually happened – when, where, who, how, etc and why - during the late Obama era.
My own particular curiosity is the evidence that would be given by Admiral Michael S. Rogers, USN, the former head of the US' National Security Agency. After the US election, in late November 2016, Admiral Rogers went to meet the then President-elect Trump in New York City. Very unusually, Admiral Rogers went on his own to meet Trump. Usually when intelligence chiefs meet with a senior political figure, let alone a president-elect in the American system, they will attend as a phalanx, not just to provide a comprehensive briefing to the dignitary but, also, to ensure that each has a witness as to what was actually said. Instead, Admiral Rogers went on his own to see Trump, ostensibly about a job in the new administration. If anyone in the US Government at that time would have been very well aware of Russian hacking and kompromat, it would be Admiral Rogers. Yet, Admiral Rogers went to meet Trump, on his own, and to this day, what they discussed has never been leaked. Perhaps it was just a job interview? Perhaps it was just an informal briefing? But, nonetheless, after Admiral Rogers met Trump, there were calls from within the outgoing Obama administration for Rogers to be fired. And, moreover, Admiral Rogers was the only senior intelligence figure of that Obama era to have then been kept on by the incoming Trump administration, and to have retired from government service with all due honour and dignity.
Whatever Admiral Rogers (and those of that circle) knows of this critical 2015-2016 period is a matter for others to question but, until, especially, he and others write their memoirs or are subpoenaed to produce documents and testify, the full history of the late Obama era, the FBI, and the Russian threat, will still elude us all. Until the intelligence and policing heads are probed at length on the chronology of all these matters, from the Russians to the FBI's conduct, nothing approaching a reliable history of this 2015-2016 descent into Moscow Centre-induced madness can be written. Hopefully, with Mueller now reporting in, that timeline can now start to be assembled, by vigorous, curious, and unbiased, journalism of the kind that has been so woefully absent for the past 4 years. We should all hope this will happen, especially as, after all, if you have spent years stumbling around the 'wilderness of mirrors', you can only start to find your way out by first breaking glass.