They are motivated now by a burning hostility to our culture and heritage. They are not seeking reform, but revolution.
It's no coincidence they want to redesign our flag, rewrite our anthem, remove ANZAC Day, replace our constitution, repudiate our Judeo-Christian heritage and rename our national day.
The very things that make us who we are, are the very things they want to do away with.But for all their faults, they know their purpose – and they are ruthless in implementing it.
So what is our purpose?My personal view is if our destiny is to be nothing more than the speed bump on the Left's eventual road to victory, then all we are doing is wasting our time.
We are not conservatives because we believe in doing the same things, only slower.We are conservatives because we believe in different things.
Our purpose is not just to oppose the agendas of others, but to propose agendas of our own.
Our current prosperity is not the result of some giant cosmic accident. It is the social dividend from our conservative past.
While the Left seek to destroy what they don't like, we begin with gratitude for what is good, for what works and then we seek to build on that foundation.
What is tradition but inherited knowledge?
This is the essence of conservatism – the Burkean partnership between those who have gone, those who are present and those who are yet to come.
But around this permanent core, we should innovate everything else for the good.
Part of the reason conservatives struggle with purpose is because we struggle with vision.We know what a future left wing society would look like because they keep telling us about it. The reality is the Left do vision well.
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