Privatisation at work
State Governments are not lacking in money. Here in New South Wales our state Government rakes in millions every weekend when there are auctions up and down the coast. Prices ofapartments in Sydney went up by more than ten per cent last year. And larger and larger prices bring in bigger amounts in stamp duty. Speeding fines have more than doubled. We are selling off assets in every direction, and we are told that we have made millions. Yet we can't afford vital maintenance for our schools? Yes we can- if they are private schools.
State and national governments are working in tandem. State schools and TAFE colleges are being run down, while ridiculous private colleges offering near-worthless courses are funded by governments. The Department of Education building in Bridge Street, Sydney is sold off, and money spent to hire fat cat bureaucrats in TAFE and schools. Consultants are hired by governments at great expense, but money doesn't go to improve learning. As usual, nobody can agree on whose fault it is. And we are left with a familiar pattern.
Our two nations
For those who can afford it, we have an elite system. These schools have government-funded new facilities with air conditioning, well-paid teachers who are given leave and encouragement to study, and with an ample supply of young energetic males. For the rest, we have mass education: buildings that need work, dusty playgrounds and dilapidated school halls jerry-built during the years of Rudd and Gillard. These schools are staffed by hard-working teachers. But they are mostly middle-aged and older females, more and more tired and unable to cope with the boisterous energy of students. Especially boys, as I have said elsewhere. These teachers are worn down by unsympathetic bureaucrats, more and more difficult decrees from on high, and all kinds of damage from the media and warnings 'you mustn't do that' from all sectors of society. Some critical problems and uneven shortages are outlined in a recent research paper.
All Australian children are equal; but some are more equal than others. Kids who go to many state schools are getting a very raw deal. Poorer kids condemned to a struggling school will find it hard to achieve in life, as the research shows. Privileged kids who already are better fed and have more books in the home and more organised sports are able to learn in far better conditions, and have far better life chances. No wonder that investors want their kids to join the elite system. Thus we have two nations in Australia, the rich and the poor. And to those who have much, more shall be given. This phrase was first used by Disraeli:
"Two nations; between whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each other's habits, thoughts, and feelings, as if they were dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different planets; who are formed by a different breeding, are fed by a different food, are ordered by different manners, and are not governed by the same laws." "You speak of -"said Egremont, hesitantly. " THE RICH AND THE POOR."
It was written a hundred years ago and more. But it's certainly true here and now. Meanwhile, Education Ministers at one level blame the other. 'It's not about money'. 'It's Labor's fault' (or the Liberals). They might as well say 'It's Johnny's fault, 'cause he hit me first'. We get the usual public relations waffle, with tweets and propaganda from public relations hacks, happily reproduced in the broadsheet press and the commercial TV shows. But nothing is done.
I hope the NSW state teachers' stop work meeting raises all these issues. Everywhere we look, New South Wales privatises, Baird reduces TAFE teaching positions, and wastes money building light rail. We see the usual privatisation charade: the more they talk about increasing prosperity, the worse life gets for ordinary people. "They fill the wealthy with good things; the poor they send away empty", as the psalm might have said. And smart kids in poorer schools can't learn properly. No wonder recent reports are showing that educational standards are falling. Yes, Simon Birmingham, it is appalling. You're the Minister: do something.
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