- investment in highly targeted reciprocal exchange and study abroad
and scholarship programs;
- relationship building with international alumni; and
- active participation and acceptance of leadership opportunities in
consortia of foreign universities and international university
Home base support
To achieve the articulated vision for 2020, universities will require a
solid national support base. This requires a joint effort by the
universities and government to apprise the Australian public of the major
benefits that international education accrues for Australia.
There is a particular need to create an understanding that the overseas
academic activities and programs are created within the framework of
Australia’s high-quality national university sector.
Universities and governments need to give an even higher profile to the
national importance of international education.
Specific initiatives
To achieve this, the AVCC proposes two specific initiatives:
- the establishment of a Commonwealth-State Ministerial Council on
International Education, with provision for formal input by education
peak bodies; and
- delivery of a Prime Ministerial Policy Statement on International
Education that commits the government to the support of international
education through concrete government action.
These very targeted steps could form the foundations of a significant
and effective partnership which will be of benefit to government,
universities and the nation as a whole.
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