They would balk at the idea that in the name of fairness and equality they must hire those whose political views are diametrically opposed to their own. Yet that is exactly what Andrews is trying to do in the religious arena. Why the double standards Dan? If you would never accept this in the sphere of politics, why are you demanding it in the realm of religion?
And other important questions must be raised here. If this bill goes through, will Andrews insist that Muslim schools employ Christians, Jews, atheists, transvestites, pork-eaters, alcoholics, dog-lovers and homosexuals? If not, why not? After all, the law should apply equally to everyone, right Dan?
Indeed, will Andrews force all Islamic schools and madrassas to provide non-halal foods and alcohol for their non-Muslim staff and employees? Surely to insist that an infidel be forced to eat only Islamic-approved food is the height of discrimination and inequality, right Dan? We sure don't want that happening.
The questions keep on coming. Will Andrews mandate that all homosexual organisations hire Christians or Muslims or heterosexual pride group members? If not, why not? If Christian organisation will be forced to employ those whose sexual practices contravene their beliefs and values, why should homosexual organisations not be forced to do similar things?
Education expert Kevin Donnelly recently had a great piece on the proposed changes and is well worth quoting from. He closed with these words: "Freedom of religion is one of the basic tenets of Western, liberal democracies and it is guaranteed by state and international covenants and agreements. Such agreements also protect the right of parents to choose a school that ensures the 'religious and moral education of their children is in conformity with their own convictions'. Parents seeking a religious education for their children have every right to expect that the teachers employed, the curriculum, and the broader school environment accord with the moral and ethical teachings of their particular faith."
Yes exactly right. Everyone concerned about freedom – whether religious or not – needs to resolutely oppose this bill. Freedom is of a piece, and when religious freedoms are stripped away today, then non-religious freedoms will be targeted tomorrow.
It is time to stand up for freedom.
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