No question. Monash University’s Australia-Indonesia Centre is spot on by urging Australians to better know their neighbours. The case is clear, the need pressing.
The AIC’s advice, following a research report on public attitudes, is also on the money: Head north, east and west of Bali, taste the spices that gave the islands their old name, be seduced by the gamelan. Also try talking with, not at, the locals.
Do this and more – and not just because it’s splendid fun and warms the soul. Getting on with the folks next door and adapting to their quirks is a no-brainer. Who knows when we might need them – or they need us? Might want to borrow their ladder sometime to see the bigger picture.
That’s standard in streets, suburbs and towns. Just enlarge to include the region. Only xenophobes would argue otherwise.
Unfortunately the AIC is taking the wrong approach with its Australia Indonesia Perceptions Report. Instead of using it to jemmy off the fascia and expose the termites beneath, it claims the structure is sound. It’s not, and faults are on both sides of the wall.
The report compiled from 4,000 interviews and 24 focus groups was released with the heading: ‘Indonesians and Australians not so different after all’. Wrong.
AIC Chair Harold Mitchell said the two countries have more issues that unite than divide. His comments are well meaning. Wrong again.
Melbourne University Professor Tim Lindsey reckons we’re the ‘odd couple’. ANU Professor Hugh White has written that ‘in almost every dimension of national life – geography, history, economics, religion, language and culture – Australia is as different from Indonesia as two countries can be.’
To his list add the supernatural, legal systems, education, music, dance, human rights, trade and world views. Indonesians even get by without grog.
These differences are better recognised as part of the richness of the region we are so fortunate to inhabit, not dismissed. Issues, like capital punishment, corruption and religious hatred need to be challenged because they offend universal human values. Others, such as respectful politeness and community cohesion, could be embraced.
The report reveals opinions, but not why they are held. Wariness tends to be driven by the triple threat of fear, ignorance and prejudice.
Mitchell and his colleagues damage the cause they champion by being Pollyannas. They downplayed findings that just six per cent have a ‘very favourable impression of Indonesia.’ Unsurprisingly journalists made this the lead along with concerns about safety and cleanliness.
There have been curious conclusions. Director Paul Ramadge said the research showed ‘an appetite’ to know more about Indonesia.’ It doesn’t. To the question: Would you like to learn more about Indonesia? Only 39 per cent said ‘Yes’.
They are dilettantes. The genuinely famished will have fed well in libraries and on the Web. Elizabeth Pisani’s Indonesia Etc is an enticing entrée - tasty, palatable and nutritious.
Among the oddities are indications that Indonesians favour Japan over Australia.
The East Asians occupied the archipelago for three years. They raped the resources, conscripted millions as labourers and treated them brutally. More died on the Burma railroad than Allied prisoners.
Australia helped liberate Indonesia and was among the first to recognise the Republic’s independence. Yet Indonesians marginally prefer to visit their former captors than their saviours.
Why? The report is silent. (One reason could be Japanese low-profile determination to repair relationships, invest and develop long-term business links. Another could be our onerous visa requirements.)
Indonesians widely believe Australia wants to fracture the ‘Unitary State’ by supporting breakaway movements in West Papua. They are certain we remain a colony; no self-respecting independent state would have a European queen on its coinage and the Union Jack on its flag.
If they abandon protectionism as urged by Australia, shiploads of wheat and meat will overwhelm the rural workforce and destroy self-sufficiency. If we soften immigration controls the 14,000 asylum seekers now in Indonesia might head to the beaches.
The AIC blames an unbalanced media. We’re forever reporting immeasurable graft, preventable disasters, nepotism and widespread corruption.
Naughty hacks. We should stick to what we do well, filing from pools and pitches. Unfortunately Indonesians don’t do sport. They sent 28 to Rio – we had 418.
How about cultural events like literary festivals? They exist (one in Bali was started by an Australian) but Indonesians aren’t bookish. This troubled the progressive Education Minister Anies Baswedan who set out to reform the system.
He’s just been sacked in another Cabinet churn that makes Canberra politics seem steadfast. Indonesia’s adolescent democracy has growing pains and irresolute leaders.
We journos record landscapes of loveliness, but no professional would overlook the foreground plastic trash and background haze from illegal fires. When praising ancient temples we must also mention indifference towards pre-Islamic heritage.
Indonesia is a land of fermenting contradictions, its make-up fecund and tangled like the aerial roots of the banyan tree on the Garuda Pancasila national emblem It’s so much more complex than a nation of ‘good Muslims’ in a ‘wonderful and beautiful country’ as Mitchell told ABC Radio
The AIC says it will ‘create a knowledge base on Australia-Indonesia attitudes and perceptions that makes a positive and long-lasting impact’.
Reviving Indonesian Studies in schools and universities would provide the most enduring hit. Then perception research would be newsworthy no longer.