I no longer attend the class reunions of my old private school. I cannot stand the attitudes of my privileged former class mates to asylum seekers and refugees. By Australian standards they're all wealthy and have enough to share. Their talk is of real estate and their trips overseas. Such people form the leadership cohort of Australia.
Here is the rub:- to protect our privilege our governments banned on the free flow of information from the detention centres and all off shore border operations. They have threatened to gaol doctors and nurses who speak out. This abuse of free speech has nothing to do with protecting our rights. It only has to do with protecting wealth and privilege.
The Australian asylum seekers policy is an ugly, rebranded White Australia policy. With one exception: if you have money – Australia doesn't give a bugger what race you are.Money is the key to admission. Not the fact that you are fleeing for your life, your freedom or your family's lives. Yes, we are now a corrupt country, morally, ethically and financially.
So many Australians – Asian, African and European – came to this land because it promised them freedom from oppression. They helped build our country, economically, culturally and ethically. Today's asylum seekers are no different. Odds on they will prove to be better nation builders than most of the red necks who oppose them or the cashed-up migrants who take their place in the queue.
Bruce Haigh is a political commentator, retired diplomat and former private school boy.
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