Algorithmic driven software is changing how doctors work as well as the patient and doctor relationship.
How important is that relationship if a machine can do the same job cheaper, quicker and more accurately? How much has medical technology colonized a clinician's free will?
This weekend the Big data analytics: Leveraging capability in healthcare conference in Sydney will discuss the practical applications of algorithms and predictive analytics in individual and population health. I have reservations about this brave new world of machine thinking.
An algorithm is a list of instructions that leads a user to a conclusion, e.g., 'If this, then that.' All information processing machines from a Fitbit to an ultrasound scanner use algorithms. They have been around since the Persians.
Computer automation has swept through shop floors and factories, transforming businesses and it is now revolutionising the professions. Knowledge-based jobs were supposed to be safe career choices, as the years of study it took to become a doctor or lawyer, in theory, guaranteed a lifetime of lucrative employment.
Now expert radiologists are routinely outperformed by pattern-recognition software, diagnosticians by simple computer questionnaires. US studies show that when an electronic medication management system is implemented, the rate of adverse drug reactions was reduced by 40.9 per cent and prescription errors by 99.4 per cent saving millions of dollars in legal actions, not to mention lives.
Sun Microsystems cofounder Vinod Khosla predicts that diagnostic machines driven by algorithms will replace 80 per cent of doctors within a generation.
There are real time predictive analytics programs which identify sepsis, a notoriously difficult-to-diagnose infection. It affects 1 per cent to 2 per cent or all hospital patients and kills roughly half of those who contract it. The application monitors medical data and alerts doctors when a patient is at risk.
Surely doctors and computer driven clinical analytics can work together? Not if history is any guide. The great artisans and tradesmen of the 18th century were over thrown by the steam driven machines of the industrial revolution. Besides, giving a doctor veto power over algorithmic systems introduces human bias. The promise of big data decision-making, after all, is that decisions based on data and analysis - more science, less gut feel and rule of thumb - will yield better results.
The rise of nuclear and genomic medicine, advances in processing speed, metadata storage systems and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (especially voice recognition software) have changed the equation in favour of the machine. Millions of people will live longer, healthier and happier lives because of it. But there are problems that algorithms can't anticipate.
Patients sometimes present to doctors with no idea of what ails them. They are frightened or have a mental illness. They ramble and sometimes lie. It is up to the clinician to make sense of this and then make a diagnosis.It is an organic and narrative process - something entirely human - that algorithms cannot replicate as yet.
If machines in the future can provide cheaper healthcare – isn't that what we're all after? But something niggles - something that can't be measured or quantified. If I scan my conscience, surely someone who has dedicated years of their life to a profession should also be the masters of the technology, not its hand maidens. I want a human to talk to, to relate with and who will tell me they have my best interests at heart. I want a confessor and a clinician.
Yet the technology – the screens and preset formats of many electronic health records - seem to anticipate the final victory of the computer over the doctor. They provide rigid desktop tools and online forms that don't allow them to make quick notes. They discourage the use of a patient's own words in favour of preset statements which may be incorrect. This is template thinking is more suited to a machine than a clinician.
I understand the need to digitalise information but I'd much prefer my doctor to look at me rather than spend most of the session typing information in to a computer. I also understand that in order to accurately measure the outcomes of clinical management for populations, first data from disparate systems needs to be, in IT parlance, "aggregated and normalised over the longitudinal health record so evidence-based scoring metrics show reliable results."
It's just that I want my doctor back. The tension between man and machine may make a great sci-fi story but when you're lying on a trolley in Casualty at 3.00 am with chest pains, you want two things: an accurate diagnosis and a comforting human hand on the shoulder saying it will be all right.
Diagnostic machines may be the shape of things to come but currently where they fall down is trust. When my time comes to talk about managing a serious chronic disease or the end of my life, I want a flesh and blood doctor who will show positive regard and empathise with me. Not a robot.