People who drive their cars fast at dusk on roads where native creatures cross, make road kill of the birds and animals. Does anyone keep a count of road kill, and mark the worst spots on the roadside and on maps, like the warnings kept of human accidents? Could we put signage there to drive slowly and not to kill? Already we have warning signs that animals are vulnerable at certain places, but they are not enough. Some people we know take a pride in what their behemoths destroy, and will even leave the creatures stuck on their bull-bars. Can they be shamed instead?
Making the world safe for predators
Who likes crocodiles, wolves, sharks, lions, tigers, pythons, piranha fish and bull-terriers? We do.
From prehistory until the past twenty years, the animals which have benefited most from human protection and affection have been those that could be tamed and domesticated. The fiercer the animal, the more fiercely it has been hunted, and many monsters, from sabre-tooth tigers to many species of tigers, wolves, bears, and other big cats, and dogs and are now extinct.
Now we are beginning to realise a bit late that our rate of extermination of whole species of animals and birds may be going to make the world a lot less interesting, as well as upsetting ecosystems. But it is very curious indeed what animals we seem to be taking most prominent interest in conserving.
Apart from pandas, whales, koalas, Gibraltar monkeys and some species of deer, human beings seem to be most fascinated by their animal rivals in danger and destruction.
It starts with books for little children. It's been taken for granted for a long time that children are fascinated with animals and identify with them. Victorian children's books were full of puppies, kittens, ducklings, chickens, and baby birds. Children's beginning readers today are also full of mice, rabbits, foxes and other vermin, for children to identify with (as small, weak, helpless, and possibly as nuisances to adults as well) as well as pigs and snakes. I am sometimes reminded of the ancient Greek saying; "I thank the gods that the tales told me at my mother's knee were tales of the open-breasted heroes, and not of vermin."
However, contemporary adults also appear to be identifying with animals - and on balance, more fascinated with the destructive and dangerous predators than the 'safe and friendly'. Horses, ponies and bulls have never lost their attraction - but now we have people trying to save animals that are dangerous to man and often dangerous to harmless animals too.
I remember in Britain an exercise in the primary school curriculum presenting in a sympathetic light a mink escaped from a mink farm - and helping them escape is a prominent concern of Animal LIberationists. Whether they should be in mink farms or not is one thing - but one place they should not be is in the British countryside, eradicating more of the other wildlife and also farm life than you could imagine even such vicious little creatures were capable of - including wiping out creatures that kept down smaller pests, and ruining riverbanks.
Certainly crocodiles should be a protected species in some proclaimed places, to avoid extinction - but to have them protected as more important than other forms of life including man seems going a bit far. There are also places where wedge-tailed eagles are not farmers' friends.
Lions and tigers are favourites for animal parks today - people drive through in cages (cars) to see them 'in the wild'. Imagine a scenario of them going wild again, including wolves. Wolves are seriously planned for in some natural parks to keep down other species.
Dangerous dogs - kept because of dangerous men and by dangerous men – are a problem. But there are other dogs which are affectionate, and good guard dogs, without importing a new terror for children and old ladies. Freedom from fear is mocked when women, children and old men are afraid of going down the street. 'Safe in the right hands' - but there are so many wrong ones.
Of course this goes for cars, guns and sex too, and we are not making any of these outright illegal either. There is a case to say we need all three and do not have adequate substitutes. But there are good animal substitutes that are every bit as sweet and affectionate and pretty as bull-terriers. Encourage them or face a nasty future.
The nasty people who get nasty dogs are liable to let them go wild in the bush, killing off everything.
Human beings including children can watch and photograph what happens in our reserve. Here is rature "red in tooth and claw" and human beings who are part of that nature.