Although Avakian's gay activism is no secret, his final ruling is quite dictatorial -- accusing the Kleins, among other things, of devaluing "humanity for all of us." When Aaron and Melissa explained that they couldn't participate in a same-sex ceremony, "their act was much more than the denial of a product," the commissioner claimed. "It was, and is, a denial of [the couple's] freedom to participate equally. It is the epitome of being told there are places you cannot go, things you cannot do... or be. [The Kleins'] conduct was a clear and direct statement that [this couple] lacked an identity worth being recognized."
Well yes, there are things they could cannot do, unimportant stuff like having their own biological children....
The state of Oregon didn't allow same-sex "marriage" at the time the Kleins declined to bake the cake. Avakian blamed the Kleins for inflicting more than 100 emotional and physical problems on the lesbian couple, including "weight gain" and "distrust of men" to "feeling mentally raped." As Fox News's Todd Starnes said, that must have been quite a cake! If anyone has suffered personally, it's the Kleins -- who not only lost their business, but their sense of personal safety. While the plaintiffs said they "fear being harassed," Aaron and Melissa actually were -- with death threats, property damage, and now, a government gag order. "We were just running our business the best we could -- following the Lord's example," Melissa told Todd. "I'm just blown away by the ruling." So are most legal experts. An order of this magnitude is not only unprecedented, but unconstitutional.
Tony Perkins of Family Research Council points out in his Washington Update, 6/7/15: "As the smoke starts to clear from the Supreme Court's marriage ruling, this story makes an important point: the Left's goal is not, nor has it ever been, marriage. What every American should have seen at the Supreme Court was not a finish line, but the beginning of a fierce struggle for our basic freedoms. That's why legislation like Senator Mike Lee's First Amendment Defense Act is so urgent. We need to stop the federal government from doing what some states already are: punishing the rights of Christians in the name of 'tolerance.'
"Fortunately, this young, God-fearing couple have no intentions of going quietly. 'This man has no power over me,' Aaron said [of Avakian] He seems to think he can tell me to be quiet... Unfortunately, he's doing this with the wrong Christian, because I fight back.' You can fight back too. Contact your congressman and senators and ask them to support FADA and people like Aaron and Melissa, whose only crime is exercising the freedoms America just celebrated. [on July 4th]"
Here in Australia we can also contact our MHRs and Senators. The threat to freedom of religion Croome foreshadowed has already been launched by Tasmanian homosexual activist, Martine Delaney who will be running as a Green's candidate for the federal seat of Franklin. She confirmed to WIN news that she was taking her complaint about the Catholic pamphlet "Don't Mess with Marriage" to the state's Anti-Discrimination Commissioner.
I had always thought that eating too much cake caused "weight gain". This is the first time I have heard that being denied a cake has the same effect.
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