Unless the matter of same-sex unions is carefully determined in the rush of politicians falling over themselves to declare their support for its legal recognition in Australia, it is likely to end in something no one likes.
There is already a logjam of private members bills on the subject before the federal parliament with more to come. But so far the only choice on the table in all of them is to replace the “one man and one woman” definition of marriage in the Marriage Act 1961 with words to the effect of “any two people”.
But that is not the only approach to the recognition of same-sex unions in some other countries and even in the various attempts at recognition made in Australia by several states and territories. Nor is it a simple matter of changing a few words of the definition. There are implications for other sections and other acts where marriage is dealt with as husbands and wives and with children having mothers and fathers.
The situation internationally is changing, but on the last count sixteen countries have passed nation-wide laws recognising same-sex unions as marriage, with three others having proposals pending; whilst fourteen countries have civil unions and registered partnership laws, with ten more proposals pending, recognising same-sex unions as equal to, but different from, marriage.
In addition there are a number of states, territories, major cities and other sub-national entities throughout the world (including fourteen states of the USA) that have passed same-sex marriage or licensing provisions in a variety of de facto forms differing from marriage (some of which have since ceased or changed).
At the same time there are twenty-seven countries with four others pending and thirty-eight states which have reacted to the proposal by enacting laws expressly prohibiting the legalisation of same-sex unions. In some cases the proposal has been so vehemently opposed prohibition has been embedded in amendments to national and state constitutions. (Among this group are 35 states of the USA, whose amendments have now been found unconstitutional by a recent 5-4 ruling of the US Supreme Court.)
It is also worth noting that support for same-sex marriage is not shared by all those who promote gay rights. A less well organised international movement of Gays Against Gay Marriage opposes any such recognition, basically rejecting any affinity with the concept of marriage as being contrary to the rights and freedoms of gay people.
The question then is not just a Yes/No issue. If consensus favours the recognition of same-sex unions it really comes down to how best to do so in the most socially acceptable and legally appropriate way. That brings into question the wisdom and the artifice involved of attempting to alter the fundamental concept of marriage as it has endured over millennia from ancient tribal custom and belief and the religious faith of every culture on earth.
This element of the debate is critical for millions of people who are sympathetic with the proposal to recognise same-sex unions but who value and deeply respect the sanctity of marriage as intended in nature for the issue of children and the perpetuation of human kind, something no same-sex union can ever achieve.
To these people, including those who prefer a civil to a religious commitment, marriage means something far more profound than just the union of “any two people”.
A survey in 2014 of over 20,000 Australian adult men and women found that 96.5 percent of the entire sample identified as heterosexuals. Only 1.9 percent of males and 1.2 percent of females identified as homosexuals (the rest being bi-sexual).
It is not a simple matter therefore of changing the definition of marriage to accommodate same-sex unions but a very fundamental fabrication in the meaning of marriage as it applies to the vast majority of the population as well.
To legally recognise same-sex unions as marriage by altering the definition in the Marriage Act as proposed, would only serve to create an artificial legal fiction. A Wizard of Oz situation with the government saying, “Your union is not really marriage but here, what you need is a certificate that says it is”.
Similarly, on the issues of equality and discrimination, it cannot be said that the union of a man and a woman is the same thing as a union of any two people of different sex. It is an ‘apples and oranges’ proposition. Equality can only apply when compared as two different types of ‘fruit’.
Yet, same-sex unions, like common law (sui juris) marriages have existed long before any country or state ever provided for legal recognition and the registration of marriages. There are also very good and proper legal reasons for regulating same sex unions.
Indeed, the federal government has already recognised de facto same-sex unions by the amendment in 2009 of eighty-five laws to remove discrimination against such unions in a range of areas relating to matters of taxation, superannuation, health insurance and other provisions.
The fundamental difficulty in recognising same sex unions in legal and factual terms, is that there has never been a unique or generally recognised word for that relationship.
But the impediment of not having its own word for its own kind of relationship is not a warrant for same-sex unions to claim to be something they really are not and can never be. Beyond the wedding ceremony that is as far as the comparison goes.
The practical answer is for same-sex unions to be legally recognised by way of their own separate Act with their own definition and, in order to overcome the lack of an appropriate and unique term for that form of enduring commitment, to provide that whilst they do not constitute marriage within the definition contained in Part 1, section 5(1) of the Marriage Act 1961, it shall not be improper nor unlawful for such unions to be referred to or described by the word “marriage”.
That too may be seen as a legal fiction but marriage, like many other words found in dictionaries, is used in different senses and in various contexts. We use the word to describe the joining together of many kinds of personal and impersonal unions without impugning its special meaning.
Attempts by some states and territories to recognise same-sex unions by way of separate legislation have failed for two reasons: the Constitution provides for marriage to be the sole jurisdiction of the Commonwealth and because such legislation has set out to deem same-sex unions tobe marriage rather than to make it lawful to use that term as a general description of the relationship.
Pragmatically, the issue as it relates to objections on religious and moral grounds, has been lost within the wider community on the basis of compassion and fairness. Politically, it will be lost, either now or later, due to its persistence and its growing acceptance on the cynical basis of its worth in terms of votes and business dollars.
That being the situation, in any choice of approach to the resolution of this issue, whether by way of a referendum or a vote by politicians, the alternative of recognising same sex unions in their own separate legislation, should be included and considered as an appropriate compromise.