Wednesday, 1 July was not only the first day of Australia's new financial year.
It also marked the day when the Hellenic Republic became a developed country in default, without a bailout program, without a currency it can control and with a government that wants to simultaneously denounce the terms of any bailout offered, yet keep its hand out in anticipation of more euro generosity.
Go figure.
On Tuesday, Athens failed to make a payment to the International Monetary Fund of €1.6 billion. To the man (and woman) on the street this is a default. But to the IMF, Greece is merely "in arrears".
Also on Tuesday, the Finance Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder was optimistic, speaking on Deutschlandfunk Radio indicating that "I believe that in the end, a cleanly prepared and reasonably organised Grexit would be the best way".
To put things in perspective, Bavaria has a population of 12.5 million and is the fourth richest state in the Bundesrepublik. Its GDP per capita of €35,443 puts Greece's €16,290 with a population of 11 million to shame.
The day before, on Monday, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble was interviewed on ARD public television where he was quoted as saying "Greece has announced that it won't pay the IMF, that means that any future payments from the IMF will be cancelled".
Sensibly, he will not support good money chase after bad.
In the absence of an additional program to ensure the continued smooth functioning of the Greek banking system, serious problems will confront Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his Finance Minister (and political economist) Yanis Varoufakis.
Under the terms of Greece's contract with the current bailout program (known as the European Financial Stability Facility agreement withThe Hellenic Republic) default is clearly defined and includes any non-payment to the IMF:
Part 9. Events of Default
(1) EFSF may, by written notice to the Beneficiary Member State cancel all or any part of the Facilities (or any of them) and/or declare the aggregate principal amount of any or all Financial Assistance made and outstanding under the Facilities to be immediately due and payable, together with accrued interest and all other amounts due in respect thereof; if:
(j) Any loan agreement or agreement for the provision of financial assistance between the Beneficiary Member State or HFSF [being the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund] and any institution or body of the EU, the IMF or any other Financial Support Provider, regardless of amount, is the subject of a declaration of default.
Such a scenario allows the European Financial Stability Facility the power to extinguish any part or all of its facility or even calling the entire loan to be repaid immediately. If the creditors so wish, a demand for the payment of €142 billion can be made.
By closing its banks, Greece may be admitting that they are no longer solvent. If so, then the ECB can no longer offer support and may even insist on all the €89 billion it has lent Greek banks through the "emergency liquidity assistance" mechanism be repaid.
Even if Greece votes on 5 July to remain in the euro zone, Greeks must accept that there will no longer be 'business as usual'. Successive governments of the Hellenic Republic have either been unwilling to exercise leadership on economic reforms or have misrepresented the nation's accounts so as to secure entry into the euro zone.
It's time to end the rot in Athens or to drain the rivers of cash flowing from Berlin, Frankfurt and Paris. Both can't continue.
After the crisis of 2010, many in Greece and beyond hoped the nation would do what needs to be done to place it on a better financial footing. To put it mildly, their hopes went unfulfilled.
In 2013, the Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development visited Athens to report on progress since 2010. The publication makes for very gloomy reading.
While the report mentions that in the last 3 years Greece "has made impressive headway in cutting its fiscal and external imbalances and implementing structural reforms to raise labour market flexibility and improve labour competitiveness", such comments are drowned in the seas of criticism that include references to:
- "More [work] needs to be done";
- The OECD identified 555 problematic regulations and 329 provisions;
- The improvement in Greece's business climate is largely nominal";
- The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report, ranks Greece – in the wastefulness of government spending measurement - at 140th out of 148 countries;
- On the burdens of government regulation, 144th;
- Efficiency of the judicial system, 138th;
- The effects of taxation on investment, 142nd;
- A lack of competition in virtually every professional services field; and
- Public-sector unions not only oppose reform, but also are strongholds of waste and corruption.
The OECD goes on and on. Ploughing new depths of depression with the turning of every page.
Franco-German fantasies of Greece willingly reforming its economy sufficiently to meet euro zone standards and repaying its loans are less likely to bear fruit than wishful thinking of Da'esh surrendering the quest for an Islamic Caliphate stretching from Morocco to Mindanao.
The Troika must come to grips with the reality not only of Greece but also of all of its financially unfit Club Med member states. And make the necessary preparations.
If not, then the words of Jeremiah 5:21 (King James version) will prove once again most prophetic:
"Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not"