Believe that, I mean.
Its 'game on' everywhere. The challenge for the rest of us should be to
turn our minds to the next layer of scrutiny, to (Jargon Alert) drill down
to the bedrock and determine who amongst the champions of change is going
to improve our lot, as opposed to improving their own lot.
To do so we need to work out where the benefits of good leadership will
flow, how far and to how many. And even before that we have to work out
whether that leader is capable of looking through the windscreen whilst
checking the rear view mirror without writing off this thoroughly modern
new car.
"Politics was full of them: people, he said, with brains like
sparrow's nests-all shit and sticks."
An insult of that severity is designed to wound. It is also more than
capable of providing encouragement for those in the upcoming generation
but not yet involved in politics. Nobody wants to think their brains are
made up of shit and sticks. That withering assessment of politics was made
when the ALP was last in power.
But maybe that's what Simon means by 'modernising' the ALP. Getting rid
of all the sparrows' nests. And quite possibly the sparrows as well, by
giving the hawks a look in.
Like Beazley in the election before, Simon is looking for answers.
Along with his opponents on the other side, the only recognisable target
spelt out so far to the media by Crean has been trade union influence.
With all that sorted, some believe, modernity is all but achieved.
Sadly for another political leader in young 'Tash, she was about as
modern as politics gets and yet she was ruthlessly crunched by the new
radicals with a history of warming to the energy of Peter Reith, Tony
Abbot and John Howard.
So maybe us trade unionists should gasp our last breath while we can.
It's all done and dusted now. Any challenge to the 50-50 rule would have
been read as a challenge to Simon's leadership. Oh dear... A combination
of external blame, guilt and threats is what passes for modern political
debate. Anything to avoid any questioning of the leadership and a close
look of what made the party the preferred government.
George Dubya wheels out the same maxim in saying that anyone against
killing tens thousands of innocent citizens is against the President,
against the US and certainly against peace and freedom.
Trade Unions are very much part of the ALP's tradition. Through that
relationship we have delivered electoral success and a strong contribution
whilst in government. Equally important to success, is strong purposeful
leadership. In any review you can’t look at one aspect of tradition
whilst ignoring another.
As a firefighter of a couple of decades standing I've never feared the
light and heat of a roaring flame as much as I fear being led away towards
the certain death that follows blinding, choking smoke.
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