The one thing many Australians don't want to find under their Christmas trees tomorrow is news that the super secret Trans Pacific Partnership has edged closer to being inked.
The haste with which successive Australian governments have expended resources allegedly to negotiate – but perhaps merely to roll over and accept - the Obama imposed TPP, while keeping the electorate in the dark about just what's in the treaty, makes one wonder whose interests are being served? And frankly all we can do is wonder, given the draft has been kept away from the prying eyes of voters.
One of the world's most important trade deals you've never heard of is being negotiated between 12 Pacific Rim countries, including Australia. But you wouldn't know it, from all the attention it's not been getting.
The most recent round of talks took place in Singapore between 7 and 10 December, and was met in Australia with some minor news reporting. So why is the Abbott government now (and previously the Rudd/Gillard two-step) doing everything it can to keep the Trans Pacific Partnerships details a secret? After all, isn't this agreement all about aggressively expanding trade and creating jobs?
Answering the questions: just whose trade will grow and at what cost together with whose jobless numbers will fall may be the reasons for the cone of silence.
Last Friday, the Huffington Post in a roundabout way asked what good signing the TPP would do for Canada, and it came up short. Very short.
Opponents of the TPP, it is claimed, maintain that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is keeping mum because he fears it will be controversial among Canadians. Everything from the rules surrounding internet downloads, to supply chains in some foodstuffs, to what you can photocopy copy legally will be affected.
But legal expert Michael Geist confirmed that documents he secured under Canada's Access to Information Act, showed Ottawa was "overwhelmed with negative comments urging officials to resist entry into the TPP" particularly with respect to intellectual property.
Australians are much like Canadians in this case. Both are treated with disdain by their governments and both peoples don't know how much they don't know about the TPP. Some of the worries Canada has could be a prelude to the nasties that we'll find in the TPP, after it has been concluded. No doubt, both electorates will be subjected to a crass dog and pony show before too long, by politicians doing Corporate America (and for that matter, Corporate Australia's and Corporate Canada's) bidding.
Amongst the HuffPo's concerns about the TPP are:
* Whether it could criminalize at home downloading, as the TPP could force Canada to institute criminal penalties even for small-time downloaders, according to a number of consumer advocacy groups.
Canada's top negotiator at the talks last (northern) autumn refused to say whether Canada would fight for its new copyright laws in the TPP deal.
* Could it turn your friendly ISP into a internet cop waiting to make a collar?
Article 16 (p 32) of the Wikileaked 2011 draft of the TPP mandates that countries create "legal incentives" for internet service providers to do their own copyright policing online. Does this mean that li'l ole Optus or TPG will be held legally responsible if subscribers download illegally? Will subscribers have their browsing history logged for possible unauthorised downloading? What does this mean for privacy? What will this mean for monthly charges?
* What will it mean for rules governing Australian content in the performing arts?
It is known that a menagerie of media companies from the United States has been lobbying the U.S. Trade Representative to pressure Canada into repealing Canadian content rules as part of the TPP. This has raised concerns that Canada's cultural industries could be steamrolled by the TPP. Will the Hollywood Heavies bully us into surrendering Australian content in music, film and television?
* Is the TPP "A Corporate Giveaway".
U.S. House Rep. Alan Grayson, (Democrat-Florida's 9th District) was recently allowed to see a draft copy of the TPP. While he's been banned from telling anyone what he read, the populist Floridian described the agreement as one that "hands the sovereignty of our country over to corporate interests." It undermines America's middle class, working class and is unjustly skewed in favour of Big Business.
The takeaway? If middle America is being given the finger; just how bad will the treaty be for non-Americans such as us or our cousins in Ottawa?
Columbia University's Joseph E. Stiglitz on 4th July in a syndicated column alerted anyone interested to the reality that any agreement signed must be symmetrical. If the US for instance, demands we open our market for its apples and pears then we should be able to sell our fruit, any fruit into the US, without any US fruit grower enjoying any subsidy of money or water of any kind.
Also no trade agreement should put Big Business ahead of broader national interests, especially when non-trade-related issues like financial regulation and intellectual property are at stake. Stiglitz is livid about America's trade agreement with Chile that runs over Chile's use of capital controls – even though the International Monetary Fund now recognizes that capital controls can be an important instrument of macro-prudential policy.
And as a warning to Australia is implied.
Big Pharma, which wields considerable clout with the office of the USTR, has triumphed in imposing on other countries an unbalanced IP regime, which is designed to fight generic drugs. Tooth and nail.
Finally, there must be a commitment to transparency. Stiglitz is convinced that Big Business (aka the "US") is committed to a lack of transparency in any negotiation process. Heck, the USTR's office has been reluctant to reveal its negotiating position even to elected members of the United States Congress!
Ditto Ottawa, when it comes to Canadian consumers.
Ditto Canberra, when it comes to Australian consumers.
Where are Julian Assange and Eric Snowden when we need them to publish the balance of the TPP? Huh?