Walkley Award winning cartoonist First dog on the moon offers us the consolations and wisdom of satire and has dubbed this the "we're not them and they're not us election" He declares "I've known deep fried eggplant with more compassion than any of these petulant robots" Exposing the rhetoric as "Just trust us we're not them and they're not us"
This paper thin espoused policy difference was evident in the 7.30 Report as Tony Burke and Scott Morrison 'debated' with Leigh Sales, who asked rhetorically. Given so much common ground, what is the single biggest point of difference between you on refugee policy?
To this observer, the Coalition seem meaner, but look far more zealous [although it should be noted, this does not give them sex appeal] There was a detectable difference in the body language. Morrison managed his characteristic thin smile and Burke appeared distinctly less enamoured, enunciating refugee policy, than Morrison. Burke failed to look at his opponent, perhaps not enjoying the mirror image analogies.
Only the Greens dare to be different and to stand for compassion for refugees and the implementation of the recommendations of the Houston Panel on Asylum Seekers
But the crowning comedic achievement of The 2013 Election must be its recognition on the American Daly Show
But should we be crying rather than laughing ? Early in the campaign the Government and the Opposition seemed to agree that this election would not be fought on moral humanistic or justice imperatives. The word compassion was expunged, and Rudd as though imploring the opposition leader to behave like a gentlemen, declared that he wanted to make nice with politics. Notably Abbott has since challenged Rudd to 'be a man' and not preference the Greens. The campaign thus got off to a puerile beginning. In such a barren terrain, what hope is there for any real scrutiny of policies, or for the interrogation of intent?
Tony Abbott has signalled that if current funding of his policy of Direct Action on emissions fails to meet the modest and inadequate targets currently in place,[5 per cent reduction by 2020] he won't go over his budget. So the future of our children and the planet is a concern outside the scope of this election for the old parties ? Shadow Climate Change Minister Greg Hunt has regected The Climate Institute's findings on the Direct Action funding shortfall as, 'silly' Oh surely he jests. But no he is deadly serious while ignoring the shortfall of $ 4 billion in the LCP budget for Direct Action
There is a distinct difference between the main parties on Climate Change, at least the ALP has a viable policy, to reduce emissions by pricing carbon,but this reality has been drowned out by the latest attack on refugees and the flurry that this engenders. Nothing to see here folks, move on, it's just the planet dying by the wayside.
Laughter and satire are psychological and emotional mechanisms that can help people cope with difficulties. Gallows humour has been a defence mechanism for oppressed people who have lived though, or who are facing a horrible reality.
Oscar Wilde is reputed to have said on his deathbed. "This wall paper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go." Pretty damn witty.
But although this election has been shaping up as ludicrous and ridiculous, there are important life and death outcomes at stake. The satirists are warning us to pay attention.
Meanwhile refugees are being made to suffer [unnecessarily], in our name.
There is no purpose in this other than the desire and egos of certain people seeking to get elected.
Abbott who doesn't believe in climate change [ all that much], kisses the very babies whose collective future he is betraying. There is a joke in the irony of that somewhere, but it feels more appropriate to weep.
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