Immigration and local development are inextricably linked. The extra people we bring into the country have to live somewhere. Additional houses, schools and other facilities must all be built in someone's local area.
The connection is obvious to most people in our congested cities, yet there is no policy linking migration with local development. It would be good if the extra people and development only went to the areas which wanted them, but presently people and development are imposed or withheld regardless of local wishes.
This article presents a solution - a policy called We Will Decide, which co-ordinates local development with population and the migration intake.
Our Top-Down Approach
One reason for the lack of co-ordination between the Commonwealth and local level is our top-down approach. The Commonwealth decrees the migration intake; people arrive and the States have to deal with them. State Governments decide where more dwellings should be built, then tell local areas to adjust. Locals are offered a veneer of consultation on how the changes should be managed, but not on the threshold question of whether the population increase should occur. The key flaw is that no-one asks us:"Do you want more people living in your area?
Why do we bring in migrants?
We bring in refugees for their benefit; because we have obligations to the international community to help those in need. We have other international obligations arising from our treaty with New Zealand. But most of the 230,000 or so migrants we presently welcome to the country are brought here for our benefit. Both major parties continually justify immigration on the basis that it supports our economic growth.
There is a paradox here. Population growth through immigration is supposedly in our self-interest, yet in many areas around the country people are finding the results are not at all in their interests. Think of the over-crowding and more intense development which plague our cities. Is that in our interests?
Is it necessary forcthe Government to decide if we need more people? If the question is expressed by reference to our own area, we can make this decision ourselves. All we need is the right mechanism to ask people: Do you want more, the same or fewer people in your area?
We Will Decide - The Bottom-Up Solution
An appropriate mechanism already exists. Every five years we answer questions in a census. The census can now be answered online. The We Will Decide proposal, explained in full at, uses the census to ask people what they want.
We Will Decide is based on a bottom-up approach. We will decide the number of people who come to our local area. We won't decide the circumstances under which they come, nor who will come, nor who will leave. All we will decide is whether there should be more or fewer people in our area. And from that decision, significant though limited consequences will flow.
How Decisions Will be Made
The census form would allow respondents to comment on population growth in their area. They would be shown a map of their area, given some information and allowed to select a figure for the percentage change in population they want in their area. The selection would be made by clicking boxes above a number line. Respondents would choose a figure between an increase or decrease of 2% per year. The proposal is completely compatible with the ABS's existing procedures.
How the Results Will Be Used - The Local Decision
The percentage selected by each respondent will be treated as a decimal, so that all responses for an area can be added, then divided by the number of responses to produce an average preference for population growth or decline for the area. This will be the Local Decision for that area.
In residential areas, more intense development would be prohibited if it would result in a higher population than permitted by the Local Decision. Replacing or extending existing homes would be permitted, but converting homes to town houses or flats would not. There would be no other controls.
In areas which are predominantly non-residential, and in residential areas where the response rate is below 10% of the population, the Local Decision would be non-binding. There would be no prohibitions, but the Local Decision would be a factor to be considered when decisions on development applications are made. This gives the policy flexibility.
How the Results Will Be Used - The National Decision
From each Local Decision we can work out the numerical increase or decrease people want in their area. The numerical total of all Local Decisions would be the National Decision - a figure which shows the extent to which the people really want Australia's population to increase or decrease. The real test of whether or not you want a higher population is whether you want more people living near you.
The National Decision will determine the self-interest component of our migration intake. In mathematical terms, the National Decision minus the expected natural increase in population minus expected migrant departures would equal the number of new National Interest visas which could be issued. We Will Decide would not affect the intake of refugees or others in compliance with our international obligations.
The Effects
At the local level, the scale of development would be more likely to correspond with what most people in that area want. Outside influence, whether from developers or Government, would be reduced. Conflicts over development would dramatically decline.
Regionally there would be signals showing which parts of which areas would welcome more people and development. Developers would show more interest in those areas because they would offer more opportunities.
Nationally, there would at last be consistency between the number of migrants wanted and the number brought in. This should improve the acceptance of migrant groups in the community. Planning for infrastructure would be based on the number of people we want, rather than the number which Governments and their business mates want to foist upon us.
Psychologically, people would feel more in control. The Australian public has been very grumpy for the last few years. The hysterical nature of some objections to policy is influenced by the people's sense that they have lost control. Working life for many is now a series of short term sub-contracts. Technological change and the dollar's gyrations add to the uncertainty. And our inability to provide adequate transport for our higher population is a source of daily aggravation. Returning a measure of control to ordinary people will improve the public's mood. In time, it might again be possible to have a more measured debate about asylum seekers.
Some arguments are necessary, but often the better option is to ask - can we arrange things so we don't have so many arguments? The We Will Decide proposal should reduce conflict while delivering results more in line with what people want.